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Submitted By tufftiger12
Words 1421
Pages 6
Task 1: Geography and the Development/Diffusion of Human Societies
Part A: Mesopotamia is regarded as the birth place of civilization. “Historians believe that large civilizations began in Mesopotamia between 4,000 and 3,000 B.C.E.” (Wandrei, 2015). The most significant geographical factor that I feel contributed to the development of this society was the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers are part of a larger area referred to as the “fertile crescent” due to its rich soil. The soil is extremely rich due to the large amount of silt (a mixture of rich soil and tiny rocks) deposits left from the rivers during flooding, making ideal farming areas. Although the area was ideal for farming it was still extremely difficult to do due to this regions climate that usually only produced ten inches or less of rain. So with the drought and still occasional flooding, the Mesopotamian society had to learn how to control these factors to be able to succeed in this region. They had to build an irrigation system to help protect their homes from the floods and move water to their fields during the droughts. With this irrigation system it allowed for them to have a surplus in crop. Also, having access to the rivers allowed for them to trade some of their surplus crops to obtain other needed supplies to help continue building their society. “With irrigation and the necessary drainage, southern Mesopotamia became a land of plenty that could support a considerable population” (Edzard, D., 2015). After becoming more advanced, a process of urbanization evolved and the Sumerian civilization – from which one of the earliest forms of writing originated – took root.
Wandrei, K. (2015). How Did Mesopotamia's Geography Lead to Its Development?. Retrieved from
Edzard, D. (2015). History

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