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How to Score Well in Pmr


Submitted By jiva
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SULIT 0211 VIEI,AYtJ tsAHAS;\ KertasI PMR Percubaan Ogos 0I2 1 I ,1anr

Narnlr Tingkatarr





40 soulun irti rtrcrtgrurclurtgi soulart ortekultililtcut. Kcrtrt.s Jtnrrtb semua soulut. pililturt jtnt'ttlttut. ittitrt A, B, C, rlurr D. Bugi tirtlt-tirtp T'itt1t-tirtlt soulurrdiikuti olelt enrytut urtrlupaclu kertas.fawapurt pililt sutu .jtnrcttrtcut .sorilrtrt, suhujrt. Turtdokut sent,t(t.jowopart j ek ti I t'tu tg ,d i s e tl o k u t. i ob Bt,fiikirlult dertgtut teliti ketika menililt.juv'tt1ttur. Jiku ortrla hettdttk ntcrutkur sesuuttt jrnt'rtprtrt,prtilurrtkrur tundu lertg tidak rlikelrcrulr*i ittt st'lirtg,grtltersilt dott kerturclirut I t it r t rrtk trr l i l m rt tu rrl oru tg b a l tu nt. l ti



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| 021

jawapanyang paling sesuai. yang berikutdenganmemilih ayat-ayat Lengkapkan gambardi bawah. Soafan 1 berdasarkan


Wak Sahaksedang Seekorangsapeliharaan padang. A B C D mengangin-anginkan mengipas-ngipas mengelus-ngelus mengibas-ngibaskan

di sayapnya kawasan

bunyi Cikgu Saifulakan memperdengarkan SainsBestari. di murid-muridnyaMakmal A B C D 3. dengus dengut dengung dengkus

burungpuyuh kepada

Internet, asyikmelayari Chandran di bukupelajaran bilikbacaan. A B C D justeru sambil manakala olehsebab 2

sibukmenelaah Rajesh abangnya


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SULIT gambardi bawah. Soafan4 berdasarkan

| 021

dS g\ 4.

pasukan Malaya, MohdSafeeMohdSalitelah Harimau Penyerang AFF 2010. PialaSuzuki Berharga dalamkejohanan Pemain Paling sebagai A B C D dinobatkan diberitahu diumumkan d iang kat


ranting dia kepalanya apabila terdengar Aaronlskandar menjengukkan rumahnya. dipijak orangdi belakang A B C D berdetas berdetak berdetar berdetap


yang telahdipilihuntukmemperagakan Beberapa orang peragawan tamukehormat. l di batikterbaharuMalaysia hadapan A B C D tampan kemas hebat sasa


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b k d a l a m a l a n g ain u masihmenjadi makanan lsu tentangkeracunan makanan. aspekkebersihan bapayangamatmenitikberatkan
A B C D kemurungan kerisauan ketakutan keraguan

S o a l a n8 - 1 4 kesalahan, yang berikut mungkin betul dan mungkinsalah. Jikaterdapat Ayat-ayat A, B atau C dan jika tiada kesalahan telah itu kesalahan telah ditandakandengan dengan D. ditandakan Pilihjawapanyang paling sesuai.


ibunYa. apa daripada dia bahawa tidakakanmeminta Amirulmenyatakan BC A Tiadakesalahan. D


tentangkerja-kerja telahmemulai Alam BersihBerhad Pekerja Syarikat A jam 8.00pagitadi.Tiadakesalahan' pembersihan itu longkang sejak BCT)

jelatamerafakkan sembah dan rakyat istana orangpembesar 1 0 . Beberapa A duli V Muhammad mencemar di tiba keberangkatan Sultan menyambut BC lV. Muhammad Tiadakesalahan. Sultan Stadium D 11 . kejayaan sosialitu,pelbagai penglibatan di beliau dalamaktiviti Sepanjang AB T l re d t e l a h i r a i h e m ik e p e n t i n g a n m a j a M a l a y s i a . i a d ak e s a l a h a n . d CD
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SLJI-IT' Haji Sudirman Arshad lagu koleksi-koleksi lamaAllahyarham 12. Kebanyakan A


Tiadakesalahan. antiknya. di masihdisimpannya dalamalmari sejak1980-an BCD juga dan mereka orangmuridsekolah beberapa telahmemaafkan 1 3 . Pengetua A peraturan sekolah. melanggar agartidaksekali-kali diingatkan BC Tiadakesalahan. D yangtelah Bukul Malaysia Baucar gembira ataspemberian 1 4 . "Sayaberasa A katalsmalisa, keluarga," gus meringankan bebanan sekali berikan kerajaan BC Tiadakesalahan. pelajarTingkatan EnamCerdik. D S o aa n 1 5 - 1 7 f perkataanberhuruf condong denganbetul. yang menggunakan Pilihayat-ayat pada jambatan itu pembinaan baharu telahditangguhkan merayakan 15. I Majlis t a h u nh a d a p a n . ll HariKemerdekaan untukmerayakan bergembira sentiasa Rakyatl Malaysia yangtercinta. negara hariulang barusahajamerayakan lll Pak Jaisdan Mak Jenabsertakeluarga berdua. mereka tahunperkahwinan padaminggu hari lV AbangAzamanakanmerayakan ulangtahunkelahirannya h a d a p a nd i H o t e l S e r i C e n d e r a w a s i h . A B C D
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I dan ll sahaja lll dan lV sahaja l, ll dan lllsahaja ll, lll dan lV sahaja lrlll \ll's\l .i

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B\1 -l_t l, I,l\lltl0ll

SLJLI-f 16. I ll pakartanaman herbayang untukmenjadi Harjit Singhbercita-cita berjaya Malaysia. di


pakarrunding yangberpengalaman dalam luas merupakan EncikHamizul hartanah. bidang

kerja kertas akanmembentangkan 12 lll Sebanyak orangpakarekonomi itu. di masing-masing persidangan kajian itu pakarsahaja untukmelaksanakan dibenarkan lV Yangmempunyai menggunakan danayangdisediakan. dengan A B C D 17, I ll I dan lV sahaja l l d a nl l l s a h a j a l , l l d a nl l l s a h a j a l l , l l l d a nl V s a h a j a telahbebasdaripada EncikMasdor bahawa Hakimitu menegaskan pecahamanah. pertuduhan "setiap pandangan kata masing-masing," untukmengeluarkan orangbebas EncikSubramaniam. itu RELA,pemuda masihdapatbebas olehanggota lll Walaupun dikepung dirinya. yangdiduduki perjuang bebas wilayahnya an itu IV Rakyat negara meneruskan musu . h A B C D I dan ll sahaja l l d a nl l l s a h a j a lll danlV sahaja ll.lll danlV sahaja


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021 |

Bahagian yang bergaris dalam ayat-ayatyang berikut mungkin mengandungi bahasa ataumungkinjuga tidak. kesaf an penggunaan ah Tandakan samaada A, B atau C jika ayatifu mengandungikesalahandan tandakan jika tiada kesalahan. D dengan tamunya segelas sirapbandung air menghidangi 18. PuanRoshayati yangberlapikkan dengankainputih. dulang A B C D kainputih dilapik padakainputih dilapiki kain berlapikkan putih kainputih berlapikkan dengan

Hayani. Yuddin. Balqis dengan dudukantara 19. MuqriHazim A B C D Balqis Yuddin, dan Hayani di antara Yuddin, Balqis denganHayani di antara Yuddin, Balqis dan Hayani antara Yuddin, Balqis denganHayani antara

buburayam. membawakan ibunya semangkuk 20. PuanLelayati A B C D membawakan ibunya buburayam semangkuk membawakan buburayamibunya semangkuk ibunya buburayam membawa semangkuk membawakan ibunya buburayam semangkuk

p n y b 2 1 . " D u ae k o rl e m b u e l i h a r a aP a k M a l a u a n gs a k i tk e l m a r i n ,a g a i m a n a k a h tanyaLebaiTahir. keadaannya sekarang?" A B C D keadaannyasekarangbagaimanakah keadaannya sekarang bagaimana bagaimana keadaannya sekarang bagaimanakahkeadaannyasekarang

(l2ll ror \r,s\r

ft,iltttt sebelalt tlNlI I t , t , \ 1 t {l 0 l 2 {

SULIT Soalan22 - 24

| 021

Pilih ayat yang mempunyaimaksud yang sama atau maksud yang paling hampir denganayat yang dicetaktebal. 22. Rakyat l Malaysia saling bekerjasama antara satu sama lain untuk perpaduankaum sejak kemerdekaan mengekalkan negara 55 tahun yang lalu. A B C D paduuntukmengekalkan tahunnilai Rakyat Malaysia l hidupbersatu 55 kerjasama. perpaduan Rakyatl Malaysia bekerjasama tahununtukmengekalkan 55 kaumsejakkemerdekaan. perpaduan Untukmengekalkan kaumsejakkemerdekaan negara tahun 55 yanglalu,rakyatl Malaysia salingbekerjasama antara satusamalain. Perpaduan kaumdikekalkan sejak55 tahunyanglaluolehrakyatl Malaysia yanghidupsaling bekerjasama selepas kemerdekaan negara.


Murid-murid perlu mengamalkan makanan seimbang selain bersenam untuk mengekalkan kesihatanmerekasetiaphari. A B C D yangdimakan Makanan seimbang hariamatbaikuntukkesihatan di setiap samping bersenam. perlumengamalkan Setiap harimurid-murid makanan seimbang selain bersenam untukkekalsihat. yangmengamalkan Murid-murid makanan selain bersenam setiap seimbang haridapatmengekalkan kesihatan mereka. yangbersenam makanan yangdiamalkan Murid-murid setiap dan seimbang hariuntukmengekalkan kesihatan mereka.

021| lon N n ,s N r

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24. Program guru penyayang dilancarkan bertujuan untuk merapatkan antaraguru denganmurid. hubungansilaturahim penyayang program untukmengakrabkan A Gurudan muridtelahmelancarkan persaudaraan mereka. antara hubungan hubungan penyayang program untukmengeratkan melancarkan Guru-guru murid. antaragurubersama silaturahim program gurudengan murid, antara silaturahim hubungan Untukmerapatkan guru penyayang telahdilancarkan. guru penyayang untuk program gurumelancarkan Muridtelahbersama dua hubungan hala. merapatkan an Soaf 25 - 27 yang betul. Pilih ayat-ayat 25 I ll hamis. sudahberbau lagi masakitu tidakdapatdigunakan kerana Minyak untukmurid makanan sibukmenyediakan sedang Paraguruperempuan

dan perempuan. asramalelaki di di bawahkhemah perkarangan peket beberapa ibu membelikan mentuanya Yusoff lll PuanSitiZulaikha dari negeriKelantan. oleh-oleh dagingsebagai ikandan serondeng di berkali-kali kepalanya asyikmenggaru-garukan itu lV Kanak-kanak begitu mah tanggaru nya. A B C D lllsahaja ldanll l l d a nl V l . l l l d a n] V

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ILilrur sebelolt
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SULIT 26. I ll peliharaannya. CikguNorizanita amatsayang akankucing-kucing

021 |

yangkeenam Mohd.Najibbin Perdana Menteri ialahDato'Seri Malaysia

AbdulRazak. kataAna Yunadan NajwaLatif," lll "Sudah duajam setengah saya menunggu Raffali. yang digemari termasuklah Bahasa lV Antaramatapelajaran olehAin Syakirah Melayu Arab. dan Bahasa A B C D ldanll l l d a nl l l l , l l d a nl l l l , l l , l l l d a nl V


I ll

yang berserakan atas mejaitu telah Buku-buku majalah-majalah di dan disusun oleh Gan HockTeng.

goreng yangdibeliZaraAisyah olehAmirAsyraf. Keladi sudahhabisdimakan kata lbu Rianti. lll "Perabot amat cantiksekali, diimport ia itu dariJakarta," lV Muridyangterpandai ialahNadiaRaihan. A B C D ldanll ll danlV l , l l , d a nl l l l l , l l l ,d a n l V

Soalan28 - 30 yang paling sesuai. Pilihperibahasa ataumaksud peribahasa 28. EncikSureshdan isterinya menjaga anak mereka A B C D yangpenuh bagaimenatang minyak seperti cincindenganpermata langit seperti denganbumi p bagai inang ibelah ua d d keranaitulahsatu-

mereka berdua. satunya anakyangdianugerahi Tuhankepada


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| 021

yang lantaran sikapnya pekerjaan yangdilakukan tidakberhasil Setopa 29. Segala yang berikut merujukkepadasikapSetopa, amat malas.Peribahasa sungguh kecuali-A B C D perutperit malasbergarit menyelam minumair sambil perahuhanyut malasberdayung adat lesungberdedak adat periukberkerak,



langit dijunjung

peribahasa atasialah yangpaling di dengan sesuai 3 0 . Maksud A B C D setempat denganmasyarakat bekerjasama sentiasa patuhkepadaarahanketuapadasetiapmasa orang maruah di tempat diri memelihara yang kitalawati peraturan tempat-tempat mematuhi di

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jawab soa/an-soalan yang berikutnya. Bacacerpendi bawahini denganteliti.Kemudian, luka ini, Pada ambangkedewasaan saya turun ke sungaiwaktumembasuh yang hari kelrnarin ke yang masih berdarah. Saya menyelam dasar.Mencari lama pedoman berharga. sebagai lalu tercicir, mengutipnya suamiyangkuat peritdimamah Siapasangka malang. tabahini pernah Wanita tiba-tibadituduhpengedardadah? Siapa sangka,Lebai Sidi dikatakan beragama, ayahbayiitu barudua bulan, kandungan ketika Siapasangka, dalamselimut? musuh telahdipenjarakan? "Ayahkamu telahdikhianati, ke nak. Dalamperjalanan pekan,ayah ditahan di dadahdijumpai bawahkusyenkeretaayah. polis.Puasmenggeledah, sebungkus itu. tuduhan Lagipun, tiadabuktiuntukmenyanggah Ayahbetul-betul digari. Ayahlantas suara. peguam?" dalamgetaran Bondaberjeda kitamana adaduitnak upah "Masabondamengandung duniadi penjara ayahkamumeninggal tujuhbulan, amatbuntu Bonda jantung. dan menangis. asyikmenangis Sejakitubonda sakit kerana kandungan, bonda pernahcuba menggugurkan dan hampirgila jadinya.Malahan, kamu jadi begitu kerana tetapi dihalangoleh anvah datuk kamu. Agaknya...adik suatuharibonda Begitulah masamengandungkannya." tenteram bondatidakpernah masa riwayathidupnyakepadasaya dan kakak kembar.Maklumlah, menghikayatkan masihberhingus. itu, kejadian masing-masing Bonda, (Dipetik cerpenMutiara daripada 3, Tingkatan Lukisan, HargaSebuah antologi dan Pustaka) DewanBahasa


riwayathidupnyadalampetikanbermaksud Frasamenghikayatkan A B C D kisahhiduPnya menceritakan kisahhidupnya nremberitahu hidupnya tentanghikayat bercerita riwayat hidupnya tentang berbincang


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SLLIT d m yangdikatakan u s u h a l a ms e l i m u t ? 32. Siapakah A B C D Lebai idi S adik bonda atuk

| 021

bonda,kecuali ialahpenruatakan 3 3 . Yangberikut A B C D sabar ikhlas tabah lemahlembut

cerpenini ialah dalarnpetikan 34. Latartempatyangtidak terdapat A B C D pekan sungai penjara di dalamkereta

turutan. Bondamengikut Mutiara cerpen 35. Susunperistiwa dadah. merniliki penjara atastuduhan hukuman I LebaiSiditelahdijatuhi pelajarannyainsaflalumenyambung MohdHarraz kemalangan, ll Selepas ustaztelahterlaksana. sebagai MohdHarraz bondauntukmenjadikan lll Hasrat motosikalmenunggang di kemalangan jalanrayaketika lV Mohd Harrazditimpa A B c D l , l l , l l l ,l v l l , l v , l l l ,I l , l v , l l ,l l l l l l ,l l , l , l v

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| 021 SLILIT Soalan36 hinggaSoalan40 jawab soa/an-soalan yang berikutnya. Bacapantundi bawahini denganteliti.Kemudian,
Pantun Empat Kerat (Agama) lampai, Kemuning daunnya paduka tuan; Tumbuh pusaran di Di atasduniakautak sampai, bernantian. Di dalamsyurga Haliaini tanam-tanaman, Di baratsajaakantumbuhnya; Duniaini pinjam-pinjaman, Akhiratjuga akan sungguhnya. Teritip tepi kota, di pengail; Maridikayuh sampan lmamkhatiblagikan berdosa, pulakitayangjahil. Bertambah Asamkandis asamgelugur, Ketigaasamsi riang-riang; Menangis mayatdi pintukubur, Teringat badantidaksembahyang. padi, Buatserunai batang Bunyilaguseripualam; haji, bukansemuanya Serban padaamalan. Hajiterletak jati, Tidakbolehmenetak Papandi Jawadibelah-belah; hati, Tidakbolehkehendak Allah. Kitadi bawahperintah K Y M O H D . U S O FM D .N O R& A B D . R A H M A N A E H( P e n y e l e n g g a r a ) (Dipetik GemaSepi GadisGenius, antologi daripada dan Pustaka) Bahasa 2,Dewan fingkatan
021I rolr N,rpsi\,l


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SULIT 36 juga akan sungguhnya Frasaakhirat bermaksud A B C D 37 manusia akanmenuju akhirat ke yangsebenarnya itu akhirat tempat yangdinanti itu akhirat sesuatu tempatyang kekalbuatselama-lamanya akhiratlah

021 |

penulis Mengapakah mengatakan bahawa duniaini pinjam-pinjaman? A B C D Hidupdi duniaperlumeminjam. Hidupdi duniahanyasementara. perludi dunia. Budaya meminjam Amalkan amalan salingmeminjam.

3B Di atasduniakau tak sampai

Gayabahasabagifrasaberhuruf condong dalambarispantundi atas ialah A B C D personifikasi metafora inversi sinkope

pantun 39. Maksud rangkap kelima ialah A B C D setiaporangperluberiman padawaktuluarannya keimanan seseorang bergantung keimanan seseorang akanmenentukan watakluarannya penruatakan amalanmelambangkan keimanan luaran dan bukannya

021| ron \,l,sN,t


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STILIT ialah EmpatKerat(Agama) 40. TemaPantun A hidupdi duniaamatperluberibadat B C D kepadaTuhan beribadat kepentingan Tuhan kepada panduan amalibadat tentang ibadat beramal dan pentingnya keinsafan

| 021


O2lI lon MPSM


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Ibm Profile

... Business Environment: 10 2.3.2. PESTEL Framework analysis: 10 2.4. Investing in Ukraine Market 13 2.4.1. Advantages in Investing: 14 2.4.2. Disadvantages (Risk factors) in Investing: 16 CHAPTER 3 17 METRICUM”S MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY 17 3.1. Metricum’s Market Entry Strategy Development 17 3.2. Entry Mode 17 3.3. Timing of Entry 19 3.4. Romania as a route of entry 19 3.5. China as an alternate route of entry 20 CHAPTER 4 21 SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT 21 CHAPTER 5 22 METRICUM”S GLOBAL STRATEGY 22 CHAPTER 6 23 RECOMMENDATIONS 23 CHAPTER 7 26 CONCLUSION 26 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 27 APPENDIX 29 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Objective of the Research: Metricum is a well-established small medium enterprise (SME) that manufactures materials handling equipment and intelligent handling solutions. Their international activities are complex with manufacturing bases in Sweden and China and a wholly owned subsidiary in Romania from which they source many of their raw materials. As the process of re-structuring their Romanian operation, they would like to explore market opportunities in some of the less developed former Eastern Bloc countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine, which are now collectively...

Words: 6128 - Pages: 25

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Top Advertising Agencies in South Africa

...Top Advertising Companies In South Africa 1) Ogilvy & Mather South Africa In 1948, David Ogilvy founded the agency that would become Ogilvy & Mather. Starting with no clients and a staff of two, he built his company into one of the eight largest advertising networks in the world with more than 450 offices and 18,000 staff across 169 cities. Ogilvy & Mather South Africa’s origins lie with a small hot shop in Cape Town, founded by Bob Rightford, Brian Searle-Tripp and Roger Makin in 1976. After merging with Ogilvy in 1980, Ogilvy & Mather RS-TM dominated the local creative scene during the first decade and over the next twenty years was recognized as a brand-focused agency that acted with integrity. During the 1990’s, Ogilvy & Mather South Africa soared creatively under the leadership of Robyn Putter (1950-2010), who eventually went on to become the global creative head of WPP. Today, Ogilvy & Mather is the leader in the industry, focused on building and transforming brands. For more than 50 years, O&M South Africa has created iconic advertising for clients such as KFC, VW, SAB, BP, DStv and Kraft, and we continue to live by our founders credo of “We sell, or else”.on Portfolio: Why? I Think the fact that they shave been in the business for so long, and handle major accounts and have won numerous awards time and time again proves to be good at what they do. They are the best...

Words: 3329 - Pages: 14

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Media Ventures

...Media Ventures 15.376 Real Estate & Recruitment – A strategic Analysis Introduction: During this semester our team examined two key issues that have a significant impact on the lives of many working professionals: real estate and recruitment. Though these two issues appear to be disjointed, they have a similarly significant financial impact of the quality of life of most individuals in the world. Real Estate: I. Background: The real estate industry is in a unique state of flux brought on by the proliferation of the sharing economy. The advent of AirBnB, UBER, Lyft, Zip CAR have effectively demonstrated that communal ownership of an asset is often much more efficient than singular ownership, provided an efficient channel for distribution and use of the asset exists. Though AirBnB has made great strides towards bringing home ownership into the fold of the sharing economy, an analysis of the notion and future of home ownership indicate that substantial room for innovation exists in addressing the pain points associated with the use of property. II. Pain Points: Despite the innovation of recent years, homeowners continue to be plagued by several persistent pain points related to liquidity, taxation, equity and maintenance of property. Liquidity: Real estate still remains largely an illiquid asset due to the high costs associated with the sale of property. No reliable peer-to-peer network exists for the sale of property, thereby leaving homeowners...

Words: 5275 - Pages: 22

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A Study of How Leadership Style and Organizational Culture Influence Employee Satisfaction (a Case Study at Private Higher Educational Institutions in Terengganu)

...A STUDY OF HOW LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE INFLUENCE EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION (A CASE STUDY AT PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS  IN TERENGGANU) LECTURER PROF. MADYA NORUDIN MANSOR TEAM MEMBERS MOHD FAIZAL JAAFAR 2011392489 WAN RAMLA WAN NAWANG 2011343575 NORAINI BINTI AMMRAN 2011952075 NAZREEN BEGUM NAJIBULLAH KHAN 2011545767 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” Assalamualaikum W.B First of all, we would like to put our hands together to thank our lecturer Prof. Madya Norudin Mansor for his continuous support and guidance in preparing this project. The purpose of this project is to apply organizational behavior elements in the real world by conducting a survey at one of the higher institution learning organization. Besides, we also would like to thank to En Hamdan who has help us to install the SPSS software which we used as tool for data analysis. We also would like to thank to the Private Higher Educational Institutions in Terengganu for giving us the opportunity to conduct the survey. Lastly, special thank to our team members of EMBA for their support. TABLE OF CONTENT NO | TITLE | PAGE NUMBER | 1. | CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION | | 2. | CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW | | 3. | CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY | | 4. | CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS | | 5. | CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION | | 6. | CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATION | | 7. | REFERENCES...

Words: 13433 - Pages: 54

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Hr Policies in Tcs

...PROJECT REPORT ON HR PRACTICES IN TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES Guided by: Submitted by Titiksha Patidar(HRF058) Acknowledgement This is to acknowledge the quality help that was provided by the Institute-ITM and the related faculty in successfully completing the HRSS project on “HR practices in TCS”. We highly obliged and thankful to the faculty,Prof Dr. Snigdharani Mishra for all her patient guidance and help in successfully completing the project. Our special thank to Mr. Mohhamad Javed (Manager HR, TCS) and Mr. Divya Prakash Purohit ( Software Engg.,TCS). TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction..........................................................................................3 1.1. History of Company...................................................................3 1.2. About the Company...................................................................3 1. HR Group in TCS................................................................................4 2. Manpower Planning.............................................................................5 3. Recruitment Process............................................................................5 4. Training &...

Words: 5799 - Pages: 24

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Research Paper

...BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A STUDY OF INTERNET ADDICTION AMONG STUDENTS OF SEKOLAH MENENGAH JENIS KEBANGSAAN PEI YUAN, KAMPAR YONG SHU QIN A RESEARCH PAPER SUBNITTED IN PARTIAL FUOFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE (HONS) PSYCHOLOGY FACULTY OF ART AND SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN MARCH 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express gratitude for the coaching, guidance and input from several special individual. Firstly, I would like to thank Ms. Low Sew Kim, my supervisor for all the directions, guidance and advice given that ensure the completion of this project. Next, I would like to my family, especially my parents, Yong Chong Kim and Liew Moi Pong and also my sister, Yong Seok Ting for all the moral support given during the stressful periods. I would like to thank Ms. Angeline Goh Lee Ying for the guidance of SPSS program. I would like to give special thank to my senior Sebastian Ong for guidance me in this study and sharing his experience, which has helped me to open my eyes and explore various possible. I would like to thank my friends, Low Yew Kong, Joshua Teo, and Wang Hui Ni for their continuous support and wise counsel that I value and appreciate immeasurably. I also would like to thank the principal of SMJK Pei Yuan for giving me chance to distribute survey forms to students. I would like to express gratitude for all the participants of this study for their willingness to participate in this study and also for their patience during...

Words: 12750 - Pages: 51

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...What a marketer want???? N how he get there???? Types of marketing… Societal marketing Traditional marketing Word of mouth Sales promotion Gorilla marketing Viral marketing n so n so on….n what not…many more YYYYYY DY NEED TO STUDY ALL DEZ…YYYY…ITNI CARE TO HMRI HMRY PARENTS B NHI KRTY…JTNA YE LOG KRTY HY… R DEZ REALLY THE CUSTOMERS OR THE PROFIT????? TOPIC…….BIRD EYE VIEW OF HOW P & G TACKLES ITS CUSTOMERS…. SUBJECT….MARKETING MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY…..SADAF, FARAH ,MARYAM,RUBINA DATE OF SUBMISSION…30 APRIL 2014 SUBMITTED TO….MAAM SADI AZIZ Mahatma Gandhi > Quotes > Quotable Quote “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. CUSTOMER PSYCHOLOGY……HOW IMPORTANT FOR A MARKETER TO STUDY????? Companies use marketing to promote and sell their products or services, and consumer behavior is how consumers act and respond in the retail environment. In order for a company to create a strong marketing campaign, it is important to understand how and to what the consumer will respond. This relationship between marketing and consumer behavior involves studies, focus groups, psychological analyses and other methods of studying the market for a particular...

Words: 57171 - Pages: 229

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...International Journal of Social and Management Sciences Volume 2 Number 2 April 2009 ISSN 1504-8446 International Journal of Social and Management Sciences is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research papers in all related fields of social and management sciences. Contents THE EFFECTS OF INQUIRY-BASED AND COMPETITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PHYSICS ................................................................................................ 4 PATIENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF DEPRESSION ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT EXPECTATIONS IN A NIGERIAN TERTIARY HOSPITAL .............. 12 PARENTAL CHILD-REARING STYLES, HOME STABILITY AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PHYSICS IN CROSS RIVER STATE OF NIGERIA ........................................................................35 MODEL JOB ANALYSIS AND DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONERS IN KENYA..............................46 NOLLYWOOD, NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INDIGENOUS CULTURES IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD: THE NIGERIAN DILEMMA ......................................................................................................................................... 62 2 This Page is deliberately left blank 3 THE EFFECTS OF INQUIRY-BASED AND COMPETITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PHYSICS AFOLABI, FOLASHADE DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATION...

Words: 31554 - Pages: 127

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Final Research

...TITLE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO RESISTANCE TO CHANGE AMONG EMPLOYEES IN PERSPECTIVE OF ADMINISTRATION AND WORK AREAS IN HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to En. Osman Hassan, the Human Resource General Manager of Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd, who has individually given his guidance throughout the practical training period. I would also like to express my appreciation to all lecturers and especially to my advisor, Miss Jacqueline Koh from the Faculty of Business Administration, Universiti Teknologi Mara Sabah and Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam for their support and guidance in assisting me in this research. I would also like to express sincere appreciation to all staff of the Human Resource Department of Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. for their time, guidance, tolerance and sharing knowledge while I was undergoing my practical training. Thank you for given me a chance to apply my theory knowledge to organizational practices. Last but not least, I would like to give appreciation for the inspiration and wisdom of many people that either directly or indirectly contributed to the completion of this research. Thank you. TABLE OF CONTENTS | |PAGE | |ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………….…… |ii | ...

Words: 11624 - Pages: 47

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Consumer Behavior

... 7, No. 13; 2012 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Consumers’ Attitude towards Advertising Uchenna Cyril Eze1 & Chai Har Lee2 1 2 Monash University, 46150 Selangor, Malaysia Multimedia University, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka, Malaysia Correspondence: Chai Har Lee, Multimedia University, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: 60-123-633-730. E-mail: Received: March 21, 2012 doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n13p94 Accepted: June 15, 2012 Published: July 1, 2012 URL: Abstract Advertising is a growing business and with advances in the Internet technology, the dynamics and landscape of the business has changed as well. Prior findings on consumers’ attitude towards advertising are mixed. This paper is an attempt to examine young adults’ attitude towards advertising. We conceptualized a framework to examine the influence of six independent variables namely consumer manipulation, product information, hedonic/pleasure, economic condition, social integration, and materialism on consumers’ attitude towards advertising. Participants were selected from the southern region of Malaysia. The data were collected through personal administration, and had 217 valid responses. The analysis reveals that four of the six hypotheses were supported. Consumer manipulation emerged negative, which is consistent with past findings. These findings would enable practitioners to...

Words: 7846 - Pages: 32