Premium Essay

Human Resouces


Submitted By adynac
Words 5221
Pages 21
City Link are providing specialist logistic and delivery solutions to the public and commercial customers Citi, since 1969. They are one of the leading courier services, sending 76,000,000 items per annum via an ever growing fleet of over 2,500 vehicles. “City Link’s annual revenues exceeds £320m, however the company has notoriously been making losses despite its high sales, with £25 million of losses reported in just nine months 2011, and £26 million in the year of 2012. In the response of this, Rentokil Initial ,who acquired the company in 2006,sold the business in 2013 to Better Capital, a private equity group, who are now investing in the company in the hope of seeing growth” The company offer a large packet of services to their costumes: standard delivery services, UK next day delivery, international air express, international road express and opportunity to add insurance cover for fragile or valuable items, or to use online booking system where people can send the occasional parcel without opening any kind of account or having a formal arrangement with the company. “The national network is supported by dedicated account management and costumer services team, which benefits our customers by working with a partner who provides a reliable, secure and flexible services. The company vision is to maintain our position as the expert within the UK parcel market”

LO1 Understand the different perspectives of human resources management. Explain Guest’s model of HRM Human Resources Management can be define as “the organisational function that deals with recruiting ,managing ,developing and motivating people, including providing functional and specialised support system to foster regulatory compliance with employment and human rights standards” (Strandberg,2009,p2) Guest’s (1987) ideal-type model is used to characterize

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