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Humanities Today


Submitted By thedellingers
Words 751
Pages 4
The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries. Humanities influence daily life deprived of several people being conscious of their attendance. What differentiates humanities from other styles of human review and appearance is that they emphasize on philosophies and standards, not only the creation or consequence of an act. It seems as if society has become entirely dependent on visible consumption and leisure and is being denied of how we truly evolved into the existence of today. The lessons that we learn throughout our lives are taught so that we can learn about the creation of humanity. Cultures throughout the world have been molded by historical events. Art offers our culture with a unique image that is custom-made towards our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and freedom of expression. Modern museums were the first place for revealing such works of art, but now there is a constant effort to try to compete with the vast production of computers and the internet. Without human inquiry and expression, there would not be what is known as a society today or a sense of humanity in the world. A society evolves over time. Someone had to start somewhere. Someone millions of years ago questioned how to improve life and create a society. Human expression is a way to show one person’s emotions. Throughout time and history, we have seen a variety of ways human beings can express how they are feeling or what they know. Even to this day we see human expression all around us. We see it through art; listen to it through music, different types of architecture, philosophy, and literature. Art has evolved over time. When it first started, there wasn’t really a technology; it was just hand painted or hand sculpted by an artist. Today, art can be produced with a press of a button. For example, one could make a collage of photographs within minutes, to whereas it would take someone days or months even years to finish a piece of art. Music in early centuries was mainly created for a sense of entertainment for royalty only. In today’s society, you can use the technology we have and download it from some other individual that lives half way around the world. It can be used as a way of expression. We hear a variety of genres. They talk about love, loss, sadness, anger, etc. People associate the music they listen to by what mood they are feeling or where their life may be at the time. Architecture has definitely evolved over time. It has evolved from circular and square buildings made of stone and wood, to any shape you can imagine made from steel to titanium wire. With the creation of architecture, it gave society the opportunity to create shelters, homes, churches, etc. Philosophy could be defined as, “the rational investigation of the truths and principles of beings, knowledge or conduct.” ( Each culture has their own version of philosophy and they inherited it by self-discovery. They discovered things through logic, observation, leaps of faith, and religion. Literature has evolved more and more over the years. Authors are trying to get younger individuals interested in reading books. They have created books that can relate to teenagers. Writing the plots in a way that someone can relate to them is what draws a reader in and keeps them interested. Stories written in old language with context that is hard to comprehend are slowly fading. Authors do not write like they used to 200 years ago. The language had changed and so has the human morality. Humanities are the over-all experience of being a human. Some people have the creative space in their brain to make it a visual experience, an audible experience, while other are able to use touch. There is no wrong way to capture art in any form. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.


Philosophy. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved August 03, 2015, from website:

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