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Impact of Politics on Job Performance


Submitted By shesadri86
Words 6522
Pages 27
| Impact of Perceived Organizational Politics on Job Performance with Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator | | Submitted in partial fulfillment of the course: Social Research Methods | | |

Submitted By:-
Chaitanya Peddi (P10076)
Faiz Abdullah (P10081)
Neeti Kumar (P10092)
Raja Sameer (P10102) 3/23/2010 |

The purpose of this research paper is to measure the effect of perceived organisational politics on job performance, using perceived organisational support as a mediator. Further, this paper also aims to measure the moderating impact played by the respondents’ gender in the same.
A questionnaire was given to professionals working in the services industry through the internet asking about their opinions on the existence of politics in their company, the level of support that they receive from their organisation, and a self appraisal on their job performance.
Perceived organisational support fully mediated the relationship between perceived organisational support and job performance. Our study also concludes that perceived organisational politics has a greater impact on men than women.
Research Limitations/Implications
A self reported cross sectional questionnaire form was administered to collect all measures. The number of respondents to this survey was limited to the employees of the Service sector in India. Future scope in this area could focus on other sectors in India, to substantiate the findings in this research.

Practical Implications
The survey findings could be used in industry to create a conducive work atmosphere for the employees to work in. Also at a deeper level, the managers could predict the performance of male and female employees in the company depending on the support provided to them.
The paper provides the first kind of

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