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Importance of Revision


Submitted By KT03
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The Importance of Revision
Analysis 8.1

Analysis 8.1
Krystin Tucker

Why is it important to revise an essay? Many would say to help have your key points put into perspective. Others would say to make sure you have meet all the minimum requirements just to make sure to you get a decent grade. Even though it can be a hassle and sometimes time can be of the essence when it comes to writing an essay it’s always good to take another look at your essay. Revising can help you fix any errors and give you the chance to have someone else look at the paper and give you their views. You can even search for more information just in case you feel your paper needs facts. Regardless if you think your essay is ready for submitting revising it can be beneficial to anyone. The benefit to revising your paper can help you make sure that you’ve hit all the key fundamental points you initially had a rough draft of. By reading through your essay you can go back a highlight and make any grammar errors you may have missed. You can try and look for things that may or may not make sense and place notes on your paper that will help you remember where the errors are. All of this can help you get the grade you deserve especially if the effort to write this essay was very time consuming. Making sure all errors and key points are in check so that whoever reads this paper understands the points that you were trying to get across. Now asking for someone to read your essay can be a huge benefit. Someone else’s point of views and understanding of the paper can help you make sure that your point is understood clearly. Even more so the other person reading your essay can throw out other ideas for you to point out in case you were clear or need more information. Gaining other ideas for your essay can be so helpful if you had a hard time coming up with ideas to write about. Not only that, but

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