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Injustice In Letter From Birmingham Jail

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The Declaration of Independence is a historical document which lays out the fundamental rights guaranteed to every human being regardless of nationality, race, gender, or status. One group of people who were deprived the freedom to enjoy these rights were African Americans. They have suffered (and continue to face) many instances of injustice which includes segregation, and other forms of racial discrimination. Injustice can be overcome by uniting as one, making the oppressor aware of their discriminatory actions, and inciting social or political unrest (through non-violent means) to bring about change. In his letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. defines injustice as treatment that is unreasonable, sinful, and biased particularly in regards to race. …show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter from Birmingham Jail discusses the injustice----in the form of segregation and racial discrimination----present in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 and argues that his nonviolent campaign was not “unwise and untimely” (341). In his letter, King explicitly depicts his perception of injustice: “when you have seen vicious mobs lynch at your mothers and fathers at will and drown your brothers and sisters at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, and even kill your black brothers and sisters”

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