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Submitted By edeverhart
Words 2821
Pages 12
Rhetorical Analysis
The trend of tattoos in today’s society has grown into much more than just a trend. Just take a look around, there is a plethora of people with ink stained skin. Even the unexpected people may have some ink under their clothing. While tattooing is a growing industry, people have varying opinions on the subject. Some see tattooing as degrading to one’s body, harmful to our society, and just dirty and unsophisticated. Others will look at a tattoo and see art, a story, or a way of expressing oneself. In this rhetorical analysis of Ink Sessions, where Margot Miffin explores the idea that tattoos and the artists creating them are more than society gives credit for, we will analyze how effective her message is. Miffin is trying to prove that tattoos and artists are much more, that they can actually have a healing effect on a person. Miffin starts the article by introducing Roxx, a tattoo artist who owns the 2Spirit Tattoo studio. Roxx, a very unique tattooist, who works with a style not many women do, called blackwork. She turned to this form of tattooing because it is different, and she knew merely tattooing pictures on skin was not for her. Roxx has been developing her style since she was a kid. She started off learning to draw horses with her grandmother, and then moved to Amsterdam where she tattooed at a street shop. Her style gives her work life, emotion, and meaning, something that touches the hearts of her clients. She does this by getting to know them a little, finding out what suits them, what they like, and what they want their tattoo to say about them. The author, Miffin, begins her article with a vivid photo of a piece done by Roxx. She does this for a few different reasons. First, it captures the reader’s attention. Once the reader’s attention is drawn to the photo, they will want to know more about the tattoo work displayed. It is

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