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Latin American Women Essay

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Traditionally Latina women from were not part of the labor force. They were heavily dependent upon to provide unpaid labor within their communities. After NAFTA and free trade zones created throughout Latin America, Mexico and the Caribbean factories and companies favored to employ young women. Their reasoning was that the women were good workers with agile hands and would be cheap and docile unlike the men. It was common for women to be paid in Honduras $43 a week for 20 hour days, El Salvador for 70 hours being paid 56 cents per hour. “In 1992, they were 45 cents for El Salvador; 39 cents for Honduras; 26 cents for Costa Rica ; and 62 cents for Guatemala” (Gonzalez pg 262).
Because of the call for women to work, it brought disruption to the family social order. As young women were leaving their villages in search for work, the men eventually followed, but the men couldn’t find work so they migrated to the United States. This left single moms to fend for themselves and their children. In Mexico make shift homes out of discarded garage doors and metal siding for roofs were erected. Shanty towns were created in horrible dangerous conditions with no running clean water, no sewage systems, no proper electricity, or indoor …show more content…
Companies has also had no labor laws to adhere to and unions were non-existent. In Mexico, government officials turned a blind eye and one official, Manuel Garcia Lepe, Secretaria de Desarolio Economico in the Maquilapolis documentary stated that the citizens were in good standard in Baja California and that they are good shape. Even though children were born with no brains. Even in the US garment workers have been subjected to sweat shop conditions since the late 1800’s. Lupe in “Made in America” documentary stated something to effect of things have changed much since then when she visited a tenement in New

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