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Learning Disabilities and the Classroom


Submitted By mstrange01
Words 1007
Pages 5
Learning Disabilities and the Classroom Melissa C. Strange
Grand Canyon University:

Learning Disabilities and the Classroom Learning disabilities in the classroom is prevalent in many of our schools across The United States and the World. There has been much confusion and controversy over students with learning disabilities, some feeling that it is a disability and others feel that the students is classified or labeled as lazy and not wanting to learn. It is essential for there to be many support systems and individuals for a student that has disabilities. Such support systems can be called a Special Education Team. Some members of this team would be, Nicole DeMarco (Special Education), Lori Daily (Regular Education), Melissa Smith (Instructional Coach), Patti Hester (Counselor), and Betty Crawford (School Nurse). What are some necessary skills in organizing and planning strategies for classroom management including grouping, scheduling, lesson plans, homework strategies, record keeping, and selecting instructional materials? Also by observing a teacher what are some of her classroom management strategies and who are the members of the Special Education Team? Organization and planning strategies for classroom management are absolutely necessary for teachers and students alike. Successful classroom management is a vital part of a healthy classroom atmosphere. Detailed and well thought out organization and planning gives students structure, guidance, and for each student to know what is expected of him or her. For instance, the teacher that was observed had a classroom of only eight students and this allowed her to interact with each student with a one on one environment. It also gives her a chance to manage her class very easily without tension from the students. Classroom management offers a more conducive learning environment in the classroom is at

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