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Managers in the 21st Century


Submitted By ruthmontero
Words 6699
Pages 27
Being a good manager is more difficult now than it ever has been. The corporate environment has changed dramatically over the past decade. Companies are more global and the employee culture is more diverse than ever before. Organizational structures are less bureaucratic more collaborative (Brown, nd). Today’s companies are full of technological distractions that would have been unimaginable to the 20th-century. The goal of a good manager is to achieve excellent results through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Jones and George, 2011). Managers are key elements as they are the ones who handle the most difficult company resource; people. An effective manager needs three kinds of skills, conceptual, human, and technical to help the organization perform more efficiently and effectively. All three skills can be learned by developing certain characteristics or personal traits. Traits such as having a clear vision, learning to delegate work, opening communication, spending time in developing skills, providing continuous feedback, rewarding employees, enjoying what you do, educating more, solid organizational skills, employing excellent ethics behavior, and being a great mentor and motivator. Along personal traits a manager needs to understand environmental factors that strongly influence modern organizations that are important to the company’s success. Parallel to these traits and environmental forces management’s approach has changed. Managers started with the scientific management approach now managers use the Market-Based Management Value Driven Management and Constraint Theory among different approaches. In my opinion, just as the 21st century has seen new types of organizations and new ways of doing business so there will be new management trends, ideas, and techniques. While implanting every trendy idea is hardly a recommendable

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