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My Essay


Submitted By thuynt
Words 788
Pages 4
Unit I:
Question 1
Review the ethical cycle (page19). Discuss a decision you have made (at home or in the workplace), and describe the steps of the cycle in relation to your decision making process. Now review the section on rationalizing unethical behaviors (page 25). What is the relationship between the ethical cycle and the three simple ethical tests used for business decisions?
Question 2
List and discuss in depth the three teleological frameworks and the three deontological frameworks. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Of these six frameworks, with which one do you most associate?
Question 3
Discuss the eight ethical principles in the Global Business Standards Codex. Using these principles, describe an example of a company that does follow one of these principles, and then describe an example of a company that does not follow one of these principles.
Question 4
Review Table 2-1 in the textbook, which relates to the myths about business ethics (page 23). Select three myths, and discuss why they represent a general misunderstanding about business ethics.
Question 5
Examine the three simple tests identified by the Institute of Business Ethics (page 25). Use these tests, and discuss a decision you made dealing with ethics. Unit IV
Question 1
What part should the government take in ensuring that corporations are environmentally “friendly”? Fully discuss your answer.
Question 2
Discuss the concept of environmental sustainability. Discuss the challenges to sustainability faced by developed, emerging, and survival economies. Do you think the “green” movement is a fad, or is it here to stay?
Question 3
Corporations define themselves in terms of being environmentally friendly and “green.” What do those terms mean, and how can they be implemented into a workable company policy? Is being green important to your company?
Question 4

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