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One Math


Submitted By mirceanicoletta
Words 2610
Pages 11

Clasa a XII-a Elemente de algebrã
Relaþii de echivalenþã. Partiþii Fie M ≠ ∅ . Numim relaþie binarã pe M orice submulþime nevidã ρ a produsului cartezian M D M. Dacã (x; y) i ρ, notãm x ρ y. Fie ρ o relaþie binarã pe mulþimea M. Spunem cã ρ este: • reflexivã, dacã µ x i M, xρx ; • simetricã, dacã µ x, y i M, xρy ± yρx ; • tranzitivã, dacã µ x, y, z i M, xρy ºi yρz ± xρz. O relaþie binarã reflexivã, simetricã ºi tranzitivã se numeºte relaþie de echivalenþã. De multe ori, o relaþie de echivalenþã pe o mulþime M se va nota ~ ; scriem x ~ y (citim x echivalent cu y), sau scriem x : y (citim x nu este echivalent cu y). / Fie n i q* ºi x, y i m. Spunem cã x este congruent cu y modulo n ºi scriem x ≡ y (mod n) dacã n divide x – y. Fie M o mulþime nevidã înzestratã cu relaþia de echivalenþ㠄 ~ “. Pentru a i M, def ˆ clasa de echivalenþã a lui a este mulþimea a ={ x ∈ M | x ~ a} . ¶ Mulþimea claselor de echivalenþã se noteazã M (sau ( M / : ) ) ºi se numeºte def ¶ ˆ mulþimea factor a lui M prin relaþia „ ~ “. M = { a | a ∈ M } . Fie ~ o relaþie de echivalenþã pe M. Clasele de echivalenþã definite de ∼ pe M, sunt disjuncte douã câte douã. Fie M o mulþime nevidã. O familie {Ci}iiI de pãrþi nevide ale lui M se numeºte partiþie a mulþimii M dacã: 1) µ i, j i I, i @ j ⇒ Ci O Cj = l; 2) µ x i M, j i i I astfel încât x i Ci . Fie {Ci}iiI partiþie a mulþimii M. M = N Ci . Pentru o relaþie de echivalenþã pe M, clasele de echivalenþã definite de aceastã relaþie formeazã o partiþie a mulþimii M. Legi de compoziþie Fie M o mulþime nevidã. O aplicaþie ϕ : M D M → M, (x, y) a ϕ(x, y), se numeºte lege de compoziþie (internã) sau operaþie (algebricã, binarã) pe mulþimea M. Elementul ϕ(x; y) i M se numeºte compusul lui x cu y prin ϕ (în aceastã ordine). De obicei, în loc de ϕ(x; y) notãm x C y sau x o y sau x T y sau x ∆ y etc. i∈I 55

Tabla lui Cayley asociatã legii de compoziþie ϕ pe mulþimea M este un tabel cu linii ºi coloane corespunzãtoare elementelor mulþimii M obþinut astfel: la intersecþia liniei ai cu coloana aj se aflã compusul lui ai cu aj prin operaþia ϕ. Ori de câte ori notãm (M, C) subînþelegem cã C este o lege de compoziþie internã pe mulþimea nevidã M.

ϕ a1 a2 ... a j ... an M a1 M a2 M M ai L L L ϕ( ai , a j ) M an

Fie M o mulþime nevidã ºi „C“ o lege de compoziþie pe M. O submulþime nevidã H a lui M se numeºte parte stabilã în raport cu legea de compoziþie „C“ dacã: µ x, y i H ⇒ x C y i H. O lege de compoziþie „C“ se numeºte asociativã dacã: ( x ∗ y ) ∗ z = x ∗ ( y ∗ z ), ∀x , y , z ∈ M . O lege de compoziþie M D M → M, ( x ; y ) a x ∗ y se numeºte comutativã dacã x ∗ y = y ∗ x , ∀x , y ∈ M . Un element e i M se numeºte element neutru pentru legea de compoziþie „C“, dacã ∀x ∈ M e ∗ x = x ∗ e = x . Fie M o mulþime nevidã înzestratã cu o lege de compoziþie „C“ cu element neutru e. Spunem cã un element x i M este simetrizabil în raport cu legea de compoziþie „C“, dacã existã x′ i M astfel încât x′ ∗ x = x ∗ x′ = e . Elementul x′ cu aceastã proprietate se numeºte simetricul lui x. În cazul în care legea de compoziþie este o lege de adunare (de numere, de matrice, de polinoame, de funcþii, de vectori, ...) folosim denumirea de opus în loc de simetric al unui element. Dacã legea de compoziþie este o lege de înmulþire (de numere, de matrice, de polinoame, de funcþii, ...) folosim denumirea de invers în loc de simetric al unui element. Aceeaºi denumire se foloseºte în cazul în care legea de compoziþie este o lege de compunere de funcþii. Fie n i q, n U 2. Notãm mn mulþimea claselor de echivalenþã pentru congruenþa · $ $  modulo n. Avem m n = {0; 1; 2; ...; n − 1} . Pe mn definim operaþiile numite adunarea ºi ˆ ˆ · ˆˆ ¶ ˆ ˆ înmulþirea claselor de resturi modulo n astfel: α + β = α + β , αβ = αβ , ∀ α , β∈ m . n Grupuri Un cuplu (G; C), format cu o mulþime nevidã G ºi cu o lege de compoziþie „∗“ pe G, se numeºte grup dacã legea de compoziþie C este asociativã, are element neutru ºi orice element din M este simetrizabil. Dacã, în plus, legea C este comutativã, atunci G se numeºte grup comutativ sau abelian. Un cuplu (M, C) format cu o mulþime nevidã M ºi o lege de compoziþie „C“ pe M, se numeºte monoid dacã legea C este asociativã ºi are elementul neutru.


Regulile de simplificare într-un grup. Fie (G , ∗) un grup. Pentru orice a , b , c ∈ G avem: aCb = aCc ⇒ b = c ºi b ∗ a = c ∗ a ⇒ b = c Grupuri de matrice

GL2 (Z ) = { A ∈ M2 (Z ) | det A ≠ 0} înzestrat cu înmulþirea formeazã un grup numit grupul general liniar de grad 2. t –1 Submulþimile SL2 (Z ) = { A ∈ GL2 (Z ) | A = 1} , O (2) = { A ∈ GL2 (Z ) | A = A } , SO (2) = { A ∈ O (2) | det A = 1} , înzestrate cu înmulþirea matricelor formeazã grupuri de matrice, numite respectiv grupul special liniar de grad 2 peste Z, grupul ortogonal de grad 2 ºi grupul ortogonal special de grad 2. Pentru n i q* pot fi definite grupurile SLn({), SLn(Z) ºi SLn(³), numite grupul special liniar de grad n peste {, Z, respectiv ³. De asemenea, pot fi introduse grupurile O(n) ºi SO(n), numite respectiv grupul ortogonal de grad n ºi grupul ortogonal special de grad n.
Morfisme de grupuri Fie grupurile (G , o) ºi (G ′ , ∗) . Funcþia f : G → G′ se numeºte morfism de grupuri dacã: f ( x o y ) = f ( x ) ∗ f ( y ), ∀x , y ∈ G . Fie (G , o) ºi (G ′ , ∗) douã grupuri. O funcþie f : G → G′ se numeºte izomorfism de (2) f este bijectivã. grupuri dacã: (1) f ( x o y ) = f ( x ) ∗ f ( y ), ∀x , y ∈ G ; Spunem cã grupul G este izomorf cu grupul G′ ºi scriem G ; G′ , dacã existã un izomorfism f : G → G′. În caz contrar, spunem cã grupul G nu este izomorf cu grupul G′ ºi scriem G ; G ′ . Dacã G este grup, atunci un morfism (izomorfism) f : G → G se numeºte endomorfism (respectiv automorfism) al grupului G. Grupuri de permutãri Fie A o mulþime finitã cu n elemente, n i q*. O funcþie bijectivã σ : A → A se numeºte permutare a mulþimii A. Vom nota cu SA mulþimea tuturor permutãrilor mulþimii A. Pentru σ, π i SA, compunerea permutãrilor σ ºi π este funcþia σ o π : A → A , cu (σ o π)( x ) = σ(π( x )) , x i A. Funcþia σ o π este de asemenea bijectivã, deci σ o π ∈ S A . ( S A , o) este grup. Grupul permutãrilor mulþimii {1, 2, ..., n} se noteazã ( S n , o) . Subgrupuri Fie (G, ∗) un grup ºi H o parte stabilã a lui G. ( H , ∗) se numeºte subgrup al lui G dacã ( H , ∗) este grup. Fie (G, E) un grup de element neutru e ºi a i G. Spunem cã a este element de ordin finit al grupului G dacã existã m > 0 astfel încât am = e. Dacã a este element de ordin finit, atunci cel mai mic numãr m > 0 cu proprietatea am = e se numeºte ordinul lui a ºi notãm ord a = m. 57

Grupuri de transformãri geometrice O aplicaþie T : P → P se numeºte transformare geometricã a planului P. Vom spune cã T este izometrie dacã T conservã distanþele dintre puncte: d(T(A), T(B)) = d(A, B), µ A, B i P. Notãm cu Izom(P) mulþimea tuturor izometriilor planului P. Dacã T1 ºi T2 sunt izometrii, atunci ºi T1 o T2 este o izometrie. (Izom(P ), o) este un grup, numit grupul izometriilor planului P. Fie F o figurã planã, F ⊂ P ºi T : P → P o izometrie; notãm cu T(F) = {T(P) | P i F}. Spunem cã T invariazã (global) pe F dacã T(F) = F. Notãm cu Sim(F) mulþimea tuturor izometriilor care invariazã pe F. (Sim(F), o ) este un subgrup al grupului ( Izom(P ), o) , numit grupul de simetrie al lui F. Fie n i q, n U 3 ºi Pn un poligon regulat cu n laturi din planul P. Grupul de simetrie al lui Pn se noteazã Dn = Sym(Pn) ºi se numeºte grupul diedral. Inele În cele ce urmeazã, se lucreazã numai cu inele unitare. Un triplet (R, +, E), unde R este o mulþime nevidã iar „ + “ ºi „E“ sunt douã legi de compoziþie pe R (numite adunare ºi înmulþire), se numeºte inel dacã: (G) (R, +) este grup abelian (M) (R, ·) este monoid (D) înmulþirea este distributivã faþã de adunare: ¼ x, y, z i R , x(y + z) = xy + xz , (y + z)x = yx + zx. În inelul R, elementul neutru al legii de compoziþie „ · “ se numeºte element unitate. Spunem cã inelul R nu are divizori ai lui zero, dacã x @ 0, y @ 0 ⇒ xy @ 0 ; în caz contrar spunem cã R este inel cu divizori ai lui zero. Un inel R se numeºte comutativ dacã satisface ºi axioma: (M3) xy = yx, ¼ x, y i R. Un inel comutativ, cu cel puþin douã elemente ºi fãrã divizori ai lui zero, se numeºte domeniu de integritate (sau inel integru). Morfisme de inele Fie inelele (R, +, ·) ºi (R′, ⊕ , e ). O funcþie f : R → R′ se numeºte morfism de inele dacã, µ x, y i R: (1) f (x + y) = f (x) ⊕ f (y) ; (2) f (xEy) = f (x) e f (y); (3) f (1) = 1′, unde 1 este unitatea inelului R ºi 1′ unitatea lui R′. Un morfism de inele bijectiv se numeºte izomorfism. Vom spune cã inelul R este izomorf cu inelul R′, ºi scriem R Y R′, dacã existã cel puþin un izomorfism f : R → R′.


Grupul unitãþilor. Subinele Elementele inversabile ale unui inel R se numesc unitãþi ale lui R. Notãm cu U(R) mulþimea unitãþilor inelului R. Fie R un inel; U(R) este grup în raport cu operaþia indusã de înmulþirea lui R, numit grupul unitãþilor inelului R. Fie (R, +, ·) un inel cu elementul unitate notat 1 ºi S ⊂ R ; S se numeºte subinel al lui R dacã (S, +, ·) este inel ºi 1 i S. Exemple de inele Numerele complexe a + bi, cu a, b i m se numesc întregi ai lui Gauss (de exemplu: 2 + 3i, –1 + 2i, 4 = 4 + 0i, i = 0 + 1 · i sunt întregi ai lui Gauss). Notãm m[i] = {a + bi | a, b i m} mulþimea întregilor lui Gauss. (m[i], +, ·) este un inel integru. Fie I o mulþime nevidã ºi R un inel. Notãm RI = { f | f : I → R} mulþimea tuturor funcþiilor f : I → R . Pentru f, g i RI ºi x i I, f (x) ºi g(x) sunt elemente ale inelului R. Putem defini astfel funcþiile: f + g : I → R, ( f + g )( x ) = f ( x ) + g ( x ) , x i I ºi fg : I → R, ( fg )( x ) = f ( x ) ⋅ g ( x ) numite suma, respectiv produsul funcþiei f cu funcþia g. Fie R inel comutativ. Notãm R[X] mulþimea polinoamelor cu coeficienþii în R. (R[X], +, ·) este inel. Fie f i R[X]. Funcþia f *: R → R definitã prin f *(x) = f (x) i R, µ x i R, este numitã funcþia polinomialã asociatã polinomului f. Vom nota funcþia f tot cu f . Zerourile funcþiei polinomiale f , se numesc rãdãcini (din R) ale polinomului f. Aºadar, un element α i R este rãdãcinã (din R) a polinomului f i R[X] dacã f (α) = 0. Corpuri. Morfisme de corpuri Un inel K se numeºte corp dacã 0 @ 1 ºi orice element nenul din K este simetrizabil în raport cu înmulþirea. Dacã înmulþirea este comutativã, K se numeºte corp comutativ. O funcþie f : K → K′ de la un corp K la un corp K′ se numeºte morfism (izomorfism) de corpuri dacã este morfism (izomorfism) de la K la K′ considerate ca inele. Un izomorfism (morfism) f : R → R de la inelul (R, +, ·) în el însãºi se numeºte automorfism (respectiv endomorfism) al inelului R. Aceeaºi terminologie se foloseºte ºi pentru corpuri. Inelul (mn, +, ·) este corp dacã ºi numai dacã n este numãr prim. Aritmetica polinoamelor cu coeficienþi într-un corp comutativ Teorema împãrþirii cu rest. Fie K un corp comutativ ºi f, g i K[X], g @ 0. Existã unic determinate polinoamele q, r i K[X] astfel încât f = gq + r , unde grad r < grad g dacã r @ 0. 59

Polinoamele q ºi r din teorema împãrþirii ( f = gq + r) se numesc câtul, respectiv restul împãrþirii polinomului f prin polinomul g. Fie K corp comutativ ºi f, g i K[X]. Spunem cã f este divizibil cu g ºi notãm g | f sau f M g , dacã existã h i K[X] cu f = gEh. Fie K corp comutativ ºi f, g i K[X]. Spunem cã f este asociat în divizibilitate cu g ºi scriem f : g , dacã f | g ºi g | f. Teorema restului. Restul împãrþirii polinomului f i K[X] prin X – α i K[X] este egal cu valoarea în α a polinomului f. Teorema lui Bézout. Polinomul f i K[X] se divide prin polinomul X – α i K[X] dacã ºi numai dacã f (α) = 0. Fie K corp comutativ, f i K[X], a i K ºi n i q, n U 2. Spunem cã a este rãdãcinã multiplã de ordin n dacã (X – a)n | f ºi ( X − a)n+1 / f . | Fie K corp comutativ ºi f = an X n + an −1 X n −1 + ... + a1 X + a0 , din K[X]. Polinomul f ′ = nan X n −1 + ( n − 1) an−1 X n − 2 + ... + a1 se numeºte derivata formalã de ordinul I a polinomului f. Derivata formalã de ordinul II a polinomului f este derivata formalã de ordinul I a polinomului f ′ ºi este notatã f ′′. Derivata formalã de ordinul k a polinomului f este derivata formalã de ordinul I a polinomului f ( k −1) . Fie K un corp comutativ ºi f i K[X] un polinom de grad f = n > 0. Spunem cã polinomul f este reductibil peste K dacã existã polinoamele g, h i K[X], de grade strict mai mici ca n, cu f = gh. În caz contrar, spunem cã f este ireductibil peste K. Orice polinom f din K[X], grad f U 1, se descompune în mod unic în produs de polinoame ireductibile peste K. Spaþii vectoriale Fie V ºi K mulþimi nevide. O aplicaþie ψ : K D V → V se numeºte lege de compoziþie externã pe V cu scalari (sau operatori) în K. Fie corpul comutativ (K, +, E). Se numeºte spaþiu vectorial peste K un grup abelian (V, +) înzestrat cu o lege de compoziþie externã cu scalari în K, (α, u) a αu, ce verificã axiomele: (S1) µ α, β i K, µ u i V, (α + β)u = αu + βu (distributivitatea înmulþirii vectorilor cu scalari faþã de adunarea scalarilor) (S2) µ α i K, µ u, v i V, α(u + v) = αu + αv (distributivitatea înmulþirii vectorilor cu scalari faþã de adunarea vectorilor) (S3) µ α, β i K, µ u i V, α(βu) = (αβ)u (asociativitatea înmulþirilor scalarilor ºi vectorilor) 60

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...when it comes to stealing. They start to think things through instead of just going at it. The striking thing about that scene is that it shows the children enjoying the scene and having fun, while Antoine and his friend are in the corner plotting with evil thoughts, not enjoying the show. 2) One street scene that I found that interested me was at 24 minutes into the movie, after Antoine had left the carnival. While walking with his friend through the streets, he saw the once beautiful place of what was known as Paris (it’s still beautiful, just not as much as before), as well as his mother, while she was making out with a man who wasn’t her husband. Just this scene alone portrays that in the 1950s, Paris wasn’t the best place to be. Although it was pretty, it was also very busy and crowded on the streets. Anything could happen. 3) One scene I found visually stunning was the carnival scene where he was in the spinning ride. Although I may be wrong, but I feel as if the director included that scene to give an insight of how Antoine’s mind is and he's foreshadowing the rest of the film. The spinning of the ride refers to how Antoine is a confused kid just trying to get through. At one point of the ride, he is completely upside down. That is when his life turns for the worse when he’s sent off to boot camp/military school. The end of the ride is him banging on the door with excitement and walking out with a huge smile on his face. That’s foreshadowing how he escapes the camp...

Words: 927 - Pages: 4

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Arabian Nights

...Core Huamnities 201 Arabian Nights Universal Themes Images and Techniques Used Arabian Nights, also known as One Thousand and One Nights is a story which revolves around a Persian king who just married a new bride. However, he discovers that his wife was unfaithful and has her executed. As a result, all the women in the kingdom are declared unfaithful. Shahryar (the king) begins to marry a sequence of virgins from the kingdom and has them executed the next morning. In due course, the vizier, who is entitled with the responsibility of providing the virgins, can no longer find any more virgins in the kingdom other than his daughter Scheherazade. She offers herself to be a bride to the king despite objections from her father. On the night of their consummation Scheherazade starts to tell the king a story but does not get to finish it. The king is therefore forced to delay her execution in order to hear the conclusion. On the next night, she tells the king another story and this turns into a series of stories that go on for one thousand and one nights (Haddawy 16). Universal Theme Immortality The Arabian Nights comprises of a sequence of stories which do not have an ending. The passing on of the tales is universally seen as a means of preservation. Scheherazade used the narration of stories as a way to preserve her life she further interwove the endings of the stories with the beginnings of the new stories thus giving them a sense of infinity. She told the stories night after...

Words: 711 - Pages: 3

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Ray Bradbury's Use Of Literary Devices In The Veldt

...personify this idea. To better understand the close relationship between his characters, also his major ideas or a theme which appears throughout his stories is Bradbury's imagery. One example of literary devices is personification, which gives non-human things human-like qualities. An example of this is  in Bradbury's story The Veldt when Bradbury writes , "Until this day, how well the house had kept its peace. How carefully it had inquired, "who goes there?...

Words: 1014 - Pages: 5

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Who Is Santiago In The Alchemist

...Thummim, which represent yes, or no. The old king explains to Santiago that these stones will help guide him along his journey During this conversation, the king tells Santiago, “when you want something, the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it” (Coelho 22). This idea will follow Santiago on his journey and be his inspiration for carrying on. This idea of following your treasure, whatever it is, can be found in all of our lives. It is the story of us, we are the protagonist of our own journey. When Santiago takes off, he is faced with the decision to sell his sheep (everything he owns) and have 100% faith of the unknown. He is faced with changes and decisions that will ultimately shape his entire life forward, much like every one of us. Much like Santiago, we have to have faith that we will reach that treasure, believing in our own fate. The old king explains to Santiago that if he really wants this, the entire universe will conspire to help you achieve it. The universe wants you to find your treasure, it wants you to be happy, that’s what it feeds off it; which is why it is fighting for you. This relates to our lives when we want something with such a deep desire; when you work towards that desire, do you notice that you start to get lucky? The old king describes that as beginner's luck, “Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victors being severely tested.” This started to occur during Santiago's journey, the universe started to...

Words: 1192 - Pages: 5

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Aladdin and Its Morals

...Aladdin is one of the tales in the book One Thousand and One Arabian Nights. There are several moral lessons in the story. The main moral lesson on Aladdin is that its best to be yourself. Greatness and strength comes from within, not from without. Its not whats on the outside that' count; what is important is what's on the inside. The moral of the original Middle-Eastern tale 'Arabian Nights' is that greatness and strength comes from within, not from without. This is demonstrated by Aladdin's bravery and intelligence despite his humble upbringing. In Disney's animated musical version of the story, the writers updated this theme to a single phrase, calling Aladdin a 'diamond in the rough'. There are many differences between the movie and the original tale of Aladdin, because the filmmakers believed that the original had an inappropriate moral message. And I have to agree with this for at least two reasons. First, Aladdin never tells the princess who he really is; he becomes a prince thanks to the jinni, but he never considers telling his wife about who he was before that. The original story doesn’t even mention this. Lying and pretending to be someone else is, indeed, something that should not be promoted in a children’s movie.Then, in the original story I really couldn’t stand the princess, Badr al-Budur. She is naïve, has no personality and no opinion, she does what she is told to, and never asks questions. She is so easily tricked, that she almost gets Aladdin killed...

Words: 1077 - Pages: 5

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... Literary elements refers to aspects or characteristics of a whole text. They are not “used,” per se, by authors; we derive what they are from reading the text. Most literary elements can be derived from any and all texts; for example, every story has a theme, every story has a setting, every story has a conflict, every story is written from a particular point-of-view, etc. In order to be discussed legitimately, literary elements must be specifically identified for that text.   Literary techniques refers to any specific, deliberate constructions of language which an author uses to convey meaning. An author’s use of a literary technique usually occurs with a single word or phrase, or a particular group of words or phrases, at one single point in a text. Unlike literary elements, literary techniques are not necessarily present in every text.   Literary terms refers to the words themselves with which we identify and describe literary elements and techniques. They are not found in literature and they are not “used” by authors.     Allegory: Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolic, of something else, usually a larger abstract concept or important historical/geopolitical event.   Lord of the Flies provides a compelling allegory of human nature, illustrating the three sides of the psyche through its sharply-defined main characters.   Antagonist: Counterpart to the main character...

Words: 4700 - Pages: 19

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Plot Analysis

...they have encountered Marilyn Monroe in their favorite bookstore. The significance of Marilyn to the real plot was that she was something that the two girls could bond over. Marilyn was their “thing” and they did not not want anyone else in on it. Scattered along the path of stalking and helping Marilyn, the narrator speaks affectionately about her friend. She comments on her body shape and monkey nimbleness which before seemed like meaningless comments. There were other clues like the use of “enchanted” several times to properly set the mood for the story. The way the plot and ending came together helped understand these clues. The surprise ending in “Three Girls” tied the entire passage together. It helped me understand that the story was one of a first kiss. The flashback transformed from a celebrity encounter to a romantic experience. It was a cute memory but it made sense of the “persevering author and married with kids” line. It revealed that the narrator became a writer and her friend grew up to become married with kids which tells us that the romance did not last. This revelation helped me understand that this memory was that much more special since the relationship did not work out. Overall, the plot of “Three Girls” had twist ending that greatly helped me understand the passage as a...

Words: 322 - Pages: 2

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Social Mobility Is an Unrealistic Fantasy

...the social classes the way Aladdin did. First of all, there is no surprise that Aladdin is treated very different from the beginning of the movie, to when he becomes a prince. One of the very first examples you can see this being displayed is during the song “One Jump Ahead”. In this scene Aladdin is chased around the city’s streets of Agrabah by guards because he can’t afford to pay for the food he stole. Based on the ragged clothes he wore, with patches in his pants, the town labels him as riffraff, a street rat, and a scoundrel, just like the lyrics in the song. However, when he is a prince, Aladdin gets a grand parade entering the city on the way to the palace. He was treated different by the 
 Norman,2 people because of the way he was dressed and how he was presented. He no longer had on old ragged cloths, and now wore an expensive wardrobe fit for a prince. The crowed did not mock him nor call him names because he looked like he came from wealth and was high up in the social status. In the song “Prince Ali”, the harem girls sing “There's no question this Ali's alluring. Never ordinary, never boring. Everything about the man just plain impresses... He's a winner. He’s a whiz— a wonder! He's about to pull my heart asunder. And I absolutely love the way he dresses!”. However, in “One Jump...

Words: 985 - Pages: 4