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Oreos and Production


Submitted By colts1828hb
Words 449
Pages 2
Oreo: Crafting a Truly Global Brand
1. Discuss the various factors which have caused Oreo to customize its marketing mix across country or culture. Have its globalization efforts been successful in meeting local needs? Could it do more? Explain.
Oreo is the most popular cookie in the world. Being sold in over 100 different countries, Oreo has managed to adjust the product, packaging, and promotion to match consumer tastes and expectations in each country. For example, in China, Oreo adjusted to the consumer preference by making a lightly sweetened version of Oreo which comes with 27% less sugar. Where as in Venezuela, Oreo introduced a milk chocolate version. Packaging is another key factor where Oreo has adjusted to based on the countries market. For instance, the US sells Oreos in the 18 oz form due to the fact that consumers are shopping at large format stores on a weekly basis and have larger pantry sizes at home. In other countries however, the size adjustment is much smaller, being sold in kiosks and in smaller packs. When it comes to promotions, countries like China like to advertise on tv because they link that to a higher quality product. Where as in Venezuela advertisement is seen more outdoors on buildings or big billboards since most people are always on the go. Oreo could always have room for improvements. By adjusting to the preference of the consumers throughout the world they will continue to succeed.

2. What is the core Oreo “brand image” globally? What sorts of advertising approaches has it used to communicate this image?
Oreos brand image globally is to provide moments of child-like delight. “ Twist, lick and dunk” being one of their slogans has provided a fun and unique type of way to promote the product. Its a tradition that has been passed on from generation to generation. In countries where Oreo is not as popular, they implement this

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