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Submitted By ROLO23
Words 3717
Pages 15
14.2 million
Number of computers available for classroom use in the nation’s 114,700 elementary and secondary schools as of the 2005-2006 school year; that works out to one computer for every four students. (Source: Upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007)
Percentage of public schools with Internet access as of fall 2003. See Table 244 at .
83% and 43%
Percentage of children ages 3 to 17 using a computer and the Internet, respectively, at school as of fall 2003.
The percentage of children ages 3 to 17 accessing the Internet in fall 2003 — whether at home, school or elsewhere — to complete school assignments. This was the most common reason for children to use the Internet.
The percentage of children ages 3 to 17 using a computer at home in fall 2003 to complete school assignments. This was the second most common home computer use for children, behind playing games.

Teens, Cell Phones and Texting

Text Messaging Becomes Centerpiece Communication

by Amanda Lenhart, Senior Research Specialist, Pew Internet & American Life Project
April 20, 2010
The mobile phone has become the favored communication hub for the majority of American teens.1
Cell-phone texting has become the preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, with cell calling a close second. Some 75% of 12-17 year-olds now own cell phones, up from 45% in 2004. Those phones have become indispensable tools in teen communication patterns. Fully 72% of all teens2 -- or 88% of teen cell phone users -- are text-messagers. That is a sharp rise from the 51% of teens who were texters in 2006. More than half of teens (54%) are daily texters.

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...You will choose synonyms to replace the bold words in the sentences provided below. You will then write to explain why you chose these particular synonyms. EXAMPLE: However, in a year that saw the social networking juggernaut Facebook turn a profit for only the first time, it was not clear whether Twitter could achieve financial independence from its venture capital investors. Synonym = powerhouse Explanation: I chose the word powerhouse, because the original word, "juggernaut" indicates that that Facebook forcefully took over the social networking industry. I wanted to use a word to indicate powerful success. SYNONYMS 1. Having demonstrated its versatility as a high-tech newswire, Twitter drew the attention of those who would prefer to see certain information suppressed.  Versatility = Many sided. I chose many sided, because it can do all different types of things and has various ways you can use it. 2. Millions of users attempted to log into Twitter only to be greeted by the service's iconic "fail whale," the image of a cartoon whale being hoisted into the air by a flock of birds, signaling a site outage.  Iconic = exemplary. I chose this word because iconic people recognize them and some people are looked up to when their iconic, so the best fitting word was exemplary. 3. Following the earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, Twitter reaffirmed its role as a powerful tool for the dissemination of information.  Dissemination...

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