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Project: Access Control Proposal


Submitted By kshelby12
Words 2458
Pages 10
Project: Access Control Proposal * Phase I: Risk mitigation plan to identify critical IT assets * Phase II: Policies and procedures for protecting the IT assets
I. Introduction 2
II. Diagram of the proposed solution 3
III. Phase I:Access Control Risk Mitigation 3 1. Identified Treats and vulnerabilities 3 2. IT assets 4 3. Treats and vulnerabilities per IT Domain 4 4. The System Security Team 5 5. Access Control Plan 5
IV. Phase II: Policies and procedures for protecting the IT assets 6 1) General Security Practices for VPN Remote Access 6 2. Protecting Cyber Assets: Secure Interactive Remote Access Concepts 7 2. How Employee Accesses the Corporate Network 9 3. How external Partners (Vendor) Access the Corporate Network 9
V. Conclusion 13

I. Introduction
Access control mechanisms operate at a number of levels in a system, from applications down through the operating system to the hardware. Higher-level mechanisms can be more expressive, but also tend to be more vulnerable to attack, for a variety of reasons ranging from intrinsic complexity to implementer skill levels. Most attacks involve the opportunistic exploitation of bugs; and software that is very large, very widely used, or both (as with operating systems) is particularly likely to have security bugs found and publicized. Operating systems are also vulnerable to environmental changes that undermine the assumptions used in their design.
The main function of access control in computer operating systems is to limit the damage that can be done by particular groups, users, and programs whether through error or malice.
This project will be conducted in two main checkpoints: * Phase I: The first step in this project is to analyze risk and develop a mitigation plan to identify which assets are more critical. Determining what systems rely on each other

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