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Quantitative Methods and Information Technology


Submitted By kak924
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AC112 Assignment
Quantitative Methods and Information Technology
Sheet 1c
According to the figure of “The relationship between Cousework mark and Exam mark”, its show a downward slopping trend line.The coefficient correlation value is negative. It’s mean that the relationships between Cousework mark and Exam mark is weak. For example, if a student got a high mark on his/her Cousework, it does’t represent that he got a high exam mark.

Sheet 2c

I have used the function “SUMIF”, in order to show how many students are coming from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania & South America. This funtion can help me to choose those data I would like to summarise.Choosing a pie chart to represent my findings because a pie chat can shows the percentage of total for each category. Pie charts are good when we are showing the relative proportion of numbers that add up to a total. They are good for a single series of data and show a good qualitative view of the data

Sheet 3c

In spreadsheet applications, absolute reference is a reference to a particular cell or group of cells that does not change, even if you change the shape or size of the spreadsheet, or copy the reference to another cell. Absolute cell references are particularly useful for referencing constant values. Relevant references is use when we are calculate formula with a side by side value, then relevant references will be very useful in this stage.

Sheet 4c
According to the diagrams, the price to gender bar chart has show that female spend more then male. As the age and gender diagram has a positive gradient, it’s show us that age and gender are increase corresponsively. Therefore, female who is older will spend more than female who is younger.

Sheet 5c

With reference to the scatter diagram, it’s represent an upward slopping trend line. The coefficient correlation value is

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