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Role and Functions of Law Paper


Submitted By jslexvold
Words 903
Pages 4
Role and Functions of Law
Juanita Lexvold
June 3rd, 2013
Walter M Pence 111

Role and Functions of Law
This paper will discuss the functions and role of law in business and society. It will discuss the functions and role of law in a past job. To accomplish this task I have researched three references from my reading.
Define the functions and role of law in business and society. According to Melvin, 2011, “law is a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force.” The function and role of law is for social justice, personal freedom, and to maintain peace. Law functions to protect public order and maintain social control by resolving disputes in a peaceful manner. According to Czaja, 2013, “Laws also facilitate orderly change by spelling out acceptable processes for instituting change. Constitutional laws outline what governments can and cannot do.”
Roles of law are classified in three areas, civil and criminal laws, substantive and procedural laws, and public and private laws. Civil laws are designed to compensate both society and business for losses or damages as a result of another’s conduct (Melvin, 2011). According to Melvin, 2011, “Criminal laws are for the protection of both society and business. Violation of criminal laws can result in the form of penalties such as fines or imprisonment, or both. Substantive laws provide individuals with rights and create certain duties while procedural laws provide a structure and set out rules for pursuing substantive rights.” Public laws are those formed from some government entity, including statutes legislative and executive, and administrative (Melvin, 2011). Private laws are recognized as binding between two parties even though no specific statute or regulation provides for the rights of the parties (Melvin, 2011). According to Melvin, 2011,

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