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Role and Functions of Law


Submitted By georgieaw70
Words 841
Pages 4
Role and Functions of Law
In this report, it will discuss and define the functions and role of law in business and society. We will also discuss the functions and role of law in our past or present job or industry. We will go off the bases of what is law and how it is use. In society as well as a business, law plays a significant role in their daily operation. For a society to be efficient and effective, laws have to put into place to regulate social behavior.
Law, defined as a body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority. Our system of societal life could not exist without a set of rules that govern human behavior or business interactions.
Law plays a significant role in the successful operation of business and society. Laws regulate social behavior, which leads to a society that runs efficiently. Laws also supply ethical standards and expectations, while providing rules of conduct, measures to enforce those rules, and a means for settling disputes. Other functions of law include: peacekeeping; checking government power and promoting personal freedom; facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations; promoting economic growth through free competition; promoting social justice; and protecting the environment (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers, and Langvardt). It is important to note that without laws to govern the actions of people and businesses, society would not be able to function effectively, and commerce would likely collapse.
The law serves many roles in business and society. Where this is most apparent is in its three classifications:
1. Criminal and Civil Law – Criminal law is the law through which public commitment of crimes are prosecuted by governing bodies, whereas civil law is the law through which private parties may bring lawsuits against one another for real

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