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Samsung Analysis


Submitted By rayantyagi
Words 711
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Statement Of Purpose

Being an administrator of my own life since a very early stage I took the firm decision of being a Journalist right before my higher secondary education based on the qualities and interest I had developed in the field of literary, cultural and creative activities. I have always been a very passionate student of Journalism who believes in planning every step to her dream of being a successful Journalist with extreme caution and practicality.

I left my first footprints into the professional world by attaining training for a duration of 1 and a half years as a Dance Probationer specializing in dance forms like jazz , funk , hip-hop , modern and ballet from The Dancerworx Performing Arts Academy. Under the guidance of its artistic Director , Mr. Ashley Lobo , Broadway trained professionals like Amith Kumar , Ballet professional Master Gabor and Modern instructor Johannes Bonig I not just evolved as a contemporary dancer but also learnt the proficiency of adapting self into continuously changing and competitive environment where everyday a new talented dancer became a part of the cut-throat competition. While I understood the significance of showing immense commitment to the organisation I belonged to, I also came in parallel to the need of constantly working hard without giving in to the pressure of immense competition and the ruthless need to prove one’s efficiency on a daily basis.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my skilful dance training I alongside began exploring my talent as a freelance writer. Soon as I gained further maturity and confidence in my talent as a writer I began writing for online magazines like and got my articles published covering topics like love , soft philosophy and inspirational pieces of work that helped provide the readers a different perspective to the usually viewed genres. As a writer I understood the need to be sensitive to the information received and how to accurately and cautiously pen down my opinions without defaming or offending the view points of the society.

I expanded the horizon of my potential by doing summer internship in news channels like Sahara and IBN 7 TV 18 Network where I was an active contributor to the Newsroom. I learnt the various methodologies and techniques adopted to broadcast news to the various other networks. Working in news channels helped me gain an insight on how to enhance corporate communication, maintain public relations and keep up with the deadlines.

I soon understood the significance of social service by providing a voice to the security guards of the country asking for appropriate assistance through a documentary created by me name ‘The Unheeded Hustle’ . I alongside helped the orphans of the country helped attain higher education and employment by being an active volunteer of the N.G.O name Make a Difference . Being a mentor of the orphanage I helped train various other volunteers in formulating a structured format in order to provide appropriate comfort and guidance to the orphans.

Being an active explorer of diverse fields of Journalism I am looking for an University that provides me with immense exposure to practical elements, such as fieldwork, workshops, and studio work that would help me further extend my potential.

My personal career objective is to help voice the opinion of everyone in need to eradicate any form of suffering from the society without defaming the truth or anyone’s opinion across various borders.

My vision is to change the way media is looked at as a field of instability by provoking trust and understanding of its significance across diverse cultures. It is my dream to be an active contributor to media across various nationalities and explore the contemporary global domain of journalism.

The MA International Journalism program will help me enhance my journalistic skills and attain my vision with appropriate and qualified guidance .

This program would help me attain knowledge and practice in my subjects of interest ranging from print , broadcast and online.

I believe that this program can provide me with the necessary facilities for working in the new global information society and explore the practice of journalism in globalisation, modernisation, commercialisation and professional developments.

Considering my professional background I believe this program can be of immense help to an aspirant like me.

Hoping for the best.

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