Premium Essay

Security Monitoring


Submitted By ernie29
Words 927
Pages 4
Security Monitoring In today’s business world an organization may consist of many different applications which require a certain level of risk assessment and security measures. Each application within the organization needs to be thoroughly reviewed in order to determine the associated risks and ways in which to protect against them. Another factor to be considered is that risk may vary between internal and external applications. There are many activities which can be incorporated into an organizations security plan which will help to mitigate possible risks and the loss that result from security breaches. It will be difficult for a company to achieve information security objectives without security event monitoring. Security event monitoring is derived from the general practice of monitoring activities that occur on a computer system. Security event monitoring involves recording information that represents activity and analyzing recorded information to identify and respond to questionable activities i.e.; possible security events Making Security Monitoring a Part of Your Best Security Practices. This first step would be to identify what exactly is considered questionable activity. While there is defiantly some level of activity which is considered acceptable the rules and boundaries must be clearly defined. An organization must take into consideration the applications to be used and the minimum level of security that can be used which will still enable full functionality. No security monitoring activities in place means that the organization is operating under the assumption that there will be no adverse events or actions. Internet-enabled business, or e-business, has drastically improved efficiency and revenue growth. E-business applications such as e-commerce, supply-chain management, and remote access allow companies to

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