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Shell Oil Spill


Submitted By emre
Words 947
Pages 4
Shell devam


At the beginning of human history, people just needed nature for shelter, for food to survive. While humanity was growing up, people started to need other things. What we do for supplying our needs is taking from nature. As a human we supposed; nature exists for human and humans have all right to use nature for each of their purposes. By time our needs were changed, we needed to use more of nature. For instance, we use woods to cook food. To heat ourselves we burned woods. Then we found the coal. The coal was very effective to get energy for lots of our needs. However, human always wants more because their needs are changed. Next, we found how to use petroleum to get energy. Why we have to get energy is because energy is fundamental for people daily life. It helps us deliver nourishment, fuel transport and energize communication channels over the world. Over the impending decades, more individuals will obtain entrance to energy and appreciate higher standards for everyday life. However these improvements could cause big pressure on our world’s resources, such as energy, fresh water and food. In the meantime, environmental change remains a big concern. Petroleum sector is one of the harmful sectors.
At the beginning of using petroleum, people were using it for lightning mostly. During industrial revolution, chemist found that distillation separates petroleum to more useful forms. Engines started to work with some of new forms of petroleum, gasoline, fuel oil etc. Therefore, energy sources are used like power sources. It means people can use energy to make money. When it comes to money, things are changed. Lots of entrepreneurs established companies for removing oil, for refining it, for transporting it, for distributing and for selling it to public. One of them is Royal Dutch Shell. It is known as Shell commonly. It is a gas and oil

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