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Submitted By tyron77
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The Courts of Camp Springs
5327 Carswell Avenue
Camp Springs, MD 20746
301-899-8800 (O) / 301-423-5228 (F)

Dear Prospective Resident:
In order to complete the application process you will need to have the following when you submit your application: 1. $25.00 Application fee for each adult (money order only).*nonrefundable* 2. $100.00 Holding fee if you wish to hold a unit (money order only). Keep in mind that we DO NOT hold an apartment for you without this payment and that it is non-refundable after 48 hours, unless you are denied. This will go towards your security deposit at move-in (deposits are either $500 or one month’s rent). 3. Two most current bank statements for checking account & a current savings statement. 4. If your assets total over $5,000.00, please provide copies of six statements for all other assets. 5. Updated 401K/TSP statements (if applicable). 6. Six consecutive paycheck stubs. 7. If you are self-employed, we will need a copy of the most recent income tax return (Federal & State). (if applicable) 8. If you are receiving other benefits please provide a benefits letter dated within the last 120 days (Disability, Social Security, Child Support, Alimony, Unemployment, Workers Compensation, Retirement, Financial Aid or Public Assistance). 9. If divorced, provide the divorce decree. 10. Documentation of any Real Estate owned or sold within the last 12 months. (if applicable) 11. Notarized Recurring Gift Verification (for any money given to you monthly by anyone not living with you-if applicable). 12. Current Valid ID (State ID, Drivers License, Passport or Military ID) for all adults. Social Security Cards & Birth Certificates for all persons in the unit.
These items are important to the application process and must be provided in order for your application to be properly processed. All income and assets are calculated to ensure that you’re qualified to receive the benefit of Affordable Housing. If you have questions or need assistance with completing your application please feel free to speak to your Leasing Consultant. Please be sure to answer ALL questions on the application. If it does not apply to you please write N/A in the space.
Refusal or delay in returning the above items will result in cancellation of your application!
Thank you for choosing Courts of Camp Springs as your new home!
The Courts of Camp Springs Management Team

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