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Smartphone Tech


Submitted By Skaternikki
Words 1189
Pages 5
Smartphone Technology on United States Economy

AP Economics/ Period 4
Mr. Dolgin
November 14, 2013 As a country now surrounded by many devices and companies associated with technology, probably the first piece of that technology that has launched America to where it is now is the Smartphone. But what has it done for us since it first came out? With the recent increase in technological innovation among phones, consumers have been buying and upgrading their cell phones whenever they please. This has led to the Smartphone-producing companies’ stocks to increase. It has also led to a big rise in jobs in the job economy. The Smartphone has also made itself very valuable and wanted by consumers. Since Smartphone technology is prominent in the daily lives of everyone, I see the tech-device having a positive effect on the United States Economy by increasing growth and welfare on the companies and consumers. Since the time the Smartphone was introduced, many stock values for technology-savvy companies have risen. According to The Denver Post, Apple’s success from the iPhone since its launch in 2007 has made the company get the title of “the most valuable company in American History” due to Apple’s stocks and what the company is worth. With the iPhone constantly upgrading and consumers buying the product, the value of Apple continues to accelerate. The stock market as a whole has definitely risen since 2007. According to Bryan Borzykowski from BBC, since 2009, the S&P Global 1200 Telecommunication Services has risen 50%, whereas the S&P Global 1200 Index has gone up by 114%, and the sector is expected to increase. This is saying that in the fast-growing markets, investors who want to be involved with the market can do so in the Stock market due to the high chances of growth. The Smartphone and its upcoming advancements will continue to boost the

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