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Social Advertising


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Social Advertising
Social media exists in the context of communities that are built of people who develop and nurture relationships by creating, co-creating, sharing, commenting, and engaging in content (Tuten, 2008). Advertising on such social platform is what accounts to social advertisement.
Most of these communities are made up by our sponsors, believers, assistants, coaches, cheerleaders, and friends. Advertising has always been a means of mass communication with a great persuasive force. Thus with the current up rise in social networking in the current world, many advertisers are now turning their heads towards social media and networking. There are various social benefits from advertising that are explained as follows (Kaptan, 2003). * Increased social awareness: Social advertising has created much awareness for certain problems faced in the society today such as virtual eco-rallies and such protests instead of blocking down the streets and such. * Faster informational reviews on newer products: The information reviews and critics have reached the consumers faster than the products itself, along with their availability in the market, creating decision options for consumers. * Advertising is Entertaining: Social advertising is also considered as entertainment for some but its goal is not to entertain but actually to move communities through the hierarchy of response so they purchase, subscribe and become loyal to the brand.
Along with these benefits, social advertising brings society to various criticisms that are subject to more control by the advertising decision makers. * Encourages Materialism and false Value: Social advertising leads communities to purchase unnecessary things by creating an emphasis on materialism. Smartphones, luxury cars and other such goods are the most common examples in such case. * Deceptive and Misleading: Social media and networks usually overemphasize the persuasive appeal against the tendency to provide consumer communities with factual information about the product and brands.
Viral Marketing Viral marketing is a strategy by which a marketer creates a campaign focused around the goal of causing viewers of that promotion to spontaneously spread it by sending it to friends (Zarrella, 2013). Email was the most original strategy in viral marketing with its feature to ‘forward’. But these days viral video campaigns are the most common types making the ground breaking story of how YouTube got to be a billion dollar platform. Most of the time, viral campaign is a meme that is stripped from its original media and spreads by discussions such as facebook posts, twitter, Instagram etc.
Social Ads and Social Apps Creating and distributing relevant content has become the most common-wide strategy in social advertising recently. This is also called as content marketing that is especially for attracting, acquiring and engaging target audience.
The best example as explained in the American Express OPEN Forum (Black, 2013) is when we spent time and money developing a great new how-to video or article; we make sure people see it. We first upload it in YouTube for the URL link and then post/promote it in networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Positive comments, reviews and ‘likes’ adds value to such posts and promotes the source.
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube With Facebook’s new ‘promoted’ posts, business have their regular posts appear higher and more often in the news feed to make sure the audience notices them, for a small price. But according to marketing consultant Analytic Partners, 83% of surveyed Facebook users report that they would find Facebook’s video ads “intrusive” and would likely ignore them (Melton, 2014).
Twitter has avoided the social advertising for a long time but it all changed in 2010 with twitter launching Promoted Tweets, Promoted Trends, and Promoted Accounts (Melton, 2014). This was again updated in 2013 to better target advertisements to communities. But Twitter’s tactics have resulted poorly mostly because they are less conspicuous and use a very small field length on their home page.
YouTube is another major platform where advertisements are designed to suit the target communities, especially with the style and language. These heavily reflect the audience’s style and taste. The advertisements in YouTube are also synchronized with the content of the video to present the most relevant commercials (Kinsey, Jason, 2011). This allows the publishers to make profits through YouTube Partner Program.
Black, L. M. (2013, June 11). 3 Ways Paid Social Ads Can Make Your Content Explode | OPEN Forum [American Express]. Retrieved from
Kaptan, S. S. (2003). Social dimensions of advertising. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
Kincy, Jason (2011). "Advertising and social media". ABA Bank Marketing 43 (7): 40.
Melton, S. (2014, January 14). Why 2014 is the Year of Social Media Advertising - Brandwatch. Retrieved May 25, 2014, from
Tuten, T. L. (2008). Advertising 2.0: Social media marketing in a Web 2.0 world. Westport, Conn: Praeger.
Zarrella, D. (2013). The Science of marketing: When to tweet, what to post, how to blog, and other proven strategies.

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