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Stereotypes Against Discrimination

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Discrimination is the unjust treatment towards a group of individuals usually based on sex, age, race, and sexual orientation. Discrimination is used because of a serious form of stereotyping, where people who are put into these stereotypes are treated unfairly, and sometimes are subject to both physical and mental abuse because of the way society sees them as. Stereotyping and discriminating against said stereotypes is an unjustified cultural norm in society and should be brought to awareness to stop it. It is necessary to understand what is bad about discriminating, why people stereotype, and how the world can prevent future discrimination.
Discrimination is harmful to society because it creates a sense of worthlessness in the individuals …show more content…
Ageist beliefs and stereotypes can interfere with health care seeking as well as with diagnosis and treatment recommendations; they can, for example, contribute to gender disparities in the health care of older adults if older women are perceived as too frail to undergo aggressive treatments. (” Stereotypes give certain individuals a mentality that makes them unconsciously follow the expectations that their stereotype follows, which gives people more ammunition to discriminate them with. The more people discriminate and sort people into stereotypes, the stronger the stereotype becomes and the discrimination becomes worse. One might say that not all stereotypes are necessarily “bad,” but a quote in “Asians and Stereotyping” has proved that that is untrue: “The joke that Mr. Kristof cites -- that ''an A- is an 'Asian F' '' -- is actually a source of pain for many Asian students, who feel a relentless pressure to live up to the model minority image. What gets overlooked is the enormous stress this …show more content…
(“Asians and Stereotypes.”” Even the stereotypes that are seen as compliments can still have negative effects. Groups of people who are given these expectation not only ruins their self esteem and mental help, but these people are also discriminated against for being “better.” Using the “all Asians are geniuses” stereotype, Asians who are not particularly smarter than their peers are thought of as dumb in comparison to the Asians who are supposed to be geniuses, and are seen as outcasts as a result. Not fitting into the stereotype that others have made for them only makes their mental health worse and lowers their self esteem. “Joshua Correll of the University of Colorado at Boulder has used an online shooter video game to try to measure these unconscious attitudes (you can play the game yourself). The player takes on the role of a police officer who is confronted with a series of images of white or black men variously holding guns or innocent objects such as wallets or cellphones. The aim is to shoot anyone

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