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The Christmas


Submitted By bud1roo
Words 370
Pages 2
The Christmas The leadership of the church that the author (Bill McKibben) of this story "The Christmas" urges practitioners to do what they call "Hundred Dollar Holidays". He explains this as "The church leadership voted to urge practitioners not to spend more than $100 per family on presents, and to rely on simple homemade gifts and on presents of services". This was suggested to anchor against the seductions of advertisers during the holiday season, and to save the families some money that could be used on other things like bills and things needed for the home. Bill then states that "When we began the $100 campaign, merchants who wrote letters to the local papers, made it clear to us what a threatening idea it was." With an idea like this and with how much revenue the holidays bring in for businesses this could really hurt them. He says that "So far, our daughter, Sophie, does fine at Christmas. Her stocking is exciting to her; the tree is exciting; skating on the pond is exciting. It's worth mentioning, however, that we don't have a television, so she may not understand the degree of her impoverishment." He states earlier that it is not about the money anymore it is about bringing more joy to the holiday. I on one hand can see his point on this, the holidays are about joy and spending time with one another and not about how much stuff you get. now on the other growing up we got two toys for Christmas and then all the other stuff was neat but it was stuff that we needed for school or for everyday life. I know that I would like to teach my children to be thankful for what they have and to enjoy spending time with one another because as time goes on school and friends and life will take them in different directions so build those bonds now and you can keep them for life. I might actually try this $100 Christmas and see how it goes because sharing and helping and fellowship are what the holiday are really about. I ready do think the author might have something here that is worthwhile.

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