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Multimedia Marketing


Submitted By amyaisya
Words 1243
Pages 5

What the important Internet properties that affect marketing and describe the fundamental changes the Internet has brought to marketing.

First of all, we need to know what is internet properties in order for us to further understand the impact it has made towards marketing.
In my perspective, internet properties is the features it has against the traditional way of marketing. For instance, the privilege internet has over time which involve faster work process and transaction time, firms pay for only as much as the data storage or server space in terms of cost, global market reach that allows massive exposure or recognition, and so on.
Now that we know the definition of internet properties, we can discuss the fundamental changes the internet has brought to marketing.. By having the speciality over time, easy access to information, flexibility, massive market reach, and low cost, internet now is changing the marketing game. Prior to the usage if internet, customers does not have the power to pick and choose the advertisement they see on the television or radio. Instead they are forced with this commercials that will get stuck in their heads and later on affect their buying decisions without even realizing it. After internet happen to us, the power shift to the customers. Now the consumers use the power through the mouse. They control what they want to see or hear.
By that, we can agree that the most important internet properties that has affect the marketing game is the digitizing of information, making it easier to access, that the consumers use to choose the product they want by comparing the value and not the exposure or familiarity.

How will social media and consumer-generated content change the way marketers operate? Explain?
In my understanding, social media is the internet-based

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