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The Importance Of Diversity In Minnesota

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Minnesota, long known as the home of Norwegian farmers and German brewers, is becoming more diverse. That was written in an article on USA Today about diversity in Minnesota. Judy Keen of USA Today interviewed MN State Demographer Tom Gillaspy about census data released in March of 2011.
The data said “About 17% of its residents are minorities; up from about 12% a decade ago, the state gained 384,446 residents since 2000 and now has a population of 5.3 million. More than 80% of the state's population growth since 2000 is attributable to minorities, Gillaspy says. The Hispanic population grew almost 75%, to 250,258, and now comprises almost 5% of Minnesotans. Also increasing, the black population, up 59% to 269,141, and Asians, up 51%

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