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The Importance Of Soft Power

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The notion of power has largely been structured within realist context of boot and bullets. The emergence of new paradigms particularly Neoliberalism and Constructivism owing to changes in global engagement from selfish pursuit of state to cooperation towards mutual beneficial outcome staged serious challenge to the notion of hard power anchored in realism through the birth of soft power. The notion of power (soft power) set forth by these paradigms has begun to attract significant interest among academics and even practitioners in politics which has set a new wave of thinking and evaluation of statecraft in International relations. A number of developments in global politics have played into the increasing relevance of soft power in recent …show more content…
In addition, there has been an expansion in the actors in the international world. Due to the increase interdependence occasioned by the globalization process Non state actors such as international multinational organizational organizations, International and regional organizations and International Non-Governmental Organizations have become important actors in global affairs. The net effect of this is that the allegiance domain of the state is taking a significant turn. As these organizations grow in strength, they tend to strengthen the cooperative base between their home country and host countries in both the political and economic spheres as a way to increase self-power and dominance (Milner 1988). The coming into the frame of international politics of these new players and their growing influence has enabled the growth of the global democracy which is gradually becoming an impediment to the efficacy of hard power in the current global design (Haskel 1980). In this regard, the match towards global peace and security which forms the basis for increase prosperity is given a deserving boost (Rosecrance 1999; Nye 2004b. p. …show more content…
Recent scholarship in the area of international negotiation has been instructed on the cost of war given reverence rather to cooperation and negotiation which are at the building blocks of soft power (Jervis 1988, 1993, 2002). Indeed, many have held that the availability and proliferation of nuclear weapon has presented a deterrent stage in the relationship between states and particularly the utility of hard power in the engagement between states (Mueller, 1988). In sum, the advancement in technology and its utility in the annals of military technological advancement presented an unequivocal evidence of the danger inherent in the use of hard power in the relationship between states in the international stage, hence the increase in the utility of friendship, negotiation and cooperation in the relationship between

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