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Topical Reference List


Submitted By Leliermann
Words 2199
Pages 9
Topical Reference List: Inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder Students
Lindsey Liermann
Liberty University

This paper includes a reference list of literature relating to components of successful inclusion for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In general, the literature seems to indicate what practices are effective for successfully including ASD students with typical peers, as well as, if inclusion is right for all ASD students. The literature includes evidence that the different components support students’ progress in general education settings. More empirical data needs to be collected to see if different components work for all students with Autism Spectrum Disorder while with typical peers.
Keywords: students with ASD, inclusion, typical peers, successful strategies, perceptions of inclusion, support, and modification for students.

Topical Reference List: Inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder Students Until recently, the common practice was to pull children with Autism or other disabilities out of regular education classrooms for majority of the day or even have them completely segregated. It seemed more efficient to provide specialized instruction in separate classrooms where children with Autism could received individualized attention without having to alter the mainstream curriculum that typical peers received. But, different practices were proposed in the 1980’s for greater efforts to “include” students with disabilities into regular education classrooms. The main purpose of my study is to determine how full inclusion makes a difference in the way students with Autism Spectrum Disorder excel within the classroom and other basic areas of functioning. Some questions that this study aims to answer include: 1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of inclusion for ASD students? 2.

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