Premium Essay

Total Quality Management of an Event


Submitted By boston3406
Words 2057
Pages 9
Total Quality Management in London Fashion Week

By Name


Table of Contents
Table of Contents ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Strategies Used to Manage Quality within an London Fashion Week 1
2.1 Continuous Improvement 2
2.2 Employee Empowerment 2
2.3 Benchmarking 3
2.4 Quality Circles 4
2.5 Just-in-time (JIT) 5
2.6 Knowledge of TQM tools 5
3. Staff Management Variation in London Fashion Week 6
4. Conclusion 7
References 8

1. Introduction
Total quality management (TQM) involves principles that ensure that every organization stakeholders especially managers and staff are committed to attaining and maintaining highest standards in their respective duties. Events have several activities that need to be executed appropriately so that goals can be achieved. Therefore, total quality management is a vital aspect that should be implemented in events. TQM enhances efficient planning and implementation of event activities for the effective achievement of expected results and outcomes (Kaynak 2003). TQM enhances the satisfaction of clients by tailoring event plans and services based on the description of customer specification. Ultimately, it leads to the establishment of a good reputation, reliable products, and services and minimizes cost by eliminating rework and failure cost. Therefore, TQM is a continuous process that executed during in the entire process of the event to only meet but also exceed the client needs (Rawlins 2008).
2. Strategies Used to Manage Quality in London Fashion Week
There are approaches which when applied maintain and manage high standards of quality in the event. Some of the strategies can be applied by the entire organization and some in specific departments and sectors of an organization that is responsible in conducting the event. Some of the strategies that are

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