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Unassisted Suicide

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In America the rates of suicide among the elderly aged 65 and older has continued to increase. Unassisted suicide is defined as a decision that is usually made in isolation by an individual who is often suffering from depression. Suicide has been prevalent throughout history. There are up to nine references about suicide in the Old Testament. The risks and the number of suicides increase more among the elderly aged 85 and older. The majority of the incidences occur due to the mental health issues of the individual. An obstacle faced by mental health professionals in reaching this group is that older adults usually prefer not to seek treatment for their mental health problems. The elderly are the fastest growing portion of the population, …show more content…
Certain problems or factors may occur within the psychological, medical, or social realms contributing to the thoughts of suicide. It has been identified that suicide among the elderly is not an impulsive act, but is an act that has been contemplated for a long period of time. When the elderly attempts suicide, he/she usually has a profound death wish and usually selects ways that are more likely to fulfill that wish. Studies have shown that age by itself does not cause suicidal behavior. However, the change in behavior and self-esteem necessitated in the elderly may cause more stress and depression due to the inability to find satisfaction in their new situation. Unfortunately, they believe there are no solutions to their problems, they feel they are a burden to others, especially family members, they perceive themselves as powerless to change their circumstances or situations, and they find that life has no meaning. Sometimes the distressing acts of suicide tend to happen without warning, thus lessening the chances of prevention. However, in some cases warning signs may be prevalent among the elderly and should be reported …show more content…
Late-life mood disorders remain an issue because the public sees depression and suicide as a normal part of aging. There are more people who view youth suicides as a greater tragedy versus late-life suicides. Unfortunately, this way of thinking works against the elderly. However, I believe outreach and educational programs can be used. Outreach programs should be utilized to engage undiagnosed individuals who may experience depression. Collaborative care should be used as a more effective means to improve the treatment of depression (Conwell, 2001). The objective of educational programs should be used to foster an appreciation of healthy aging, improve understanding of the signs and symptoms of depression, and to teach the elderly about the risk, warning signs, and treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior later in life (Conwell, 2001). Getting the word out that someone is in danger to commit suicide can help. It is important to break the inevitable secret and talk to the person or to others. Offer help, get loved ones involved and responsive, express interest, and show deep concern for the

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