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Universal Vs Disney World Essay

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The park’s two major, local competitors are Disney and Universal. Walt Disney World is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations . Many tourists travel to Orlando only to never leave Walt Disney World property. Ever since Disneyland opened more than 60 years ago, company has prided itself as being an innovator that transforms fantasy into reality. All of the resort’s parks are designed to immerse rather than thrill. Disney attempts to hide their rides so that guests feel as though they are embarking on an experience rather than boarding a simple track ride. For example, a passing visitor would never guess that The Haunted Mansion ride actually takes place in a warehouse that is cleverly hidden by foliage and a facade.

Disney’s theming is also driven by brand recognition. Mickey Mouse is one of …show more content…
Rather, the company often uses relaxing imagery of families having fun in the park together to target people who may not typically care for amusement parks, such senior citizens or parents with toddlers. Disney also targets children through associated TV channels such as the Family Channel in Canada or Disney Channel in The United States. Disney also uses its own separate properties to attract fans of those properties to the park. For example, TV commercials for the resort often show children meeting Mickey Mouse or another Disney character for the first time. Recent campaigns for the resort have enforced Star Wars due to the film franchise’s revived popularity. Overall, Disney’s image is associated with nostalgia and love. It has almost become a rite of passage to visit Walt Disney World as a child.
Meanwhile, Universal Orlando is like Walt Disney World’s younger, rougher cousin. Both share the same commitment to theming and creating experiences, but Universal tends to draw the teenage and young adult market away from Disney. Also, Universal unabashedly advertises its thrills while Disney likes to present

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