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Charles Wiley Research Paper

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“Hey life is hard, but it is a lot harder when you’re stupid”. This is one of the greatest sayings I have ever heard anyone say. Hearing those words made me think on how true that is. Working in the Law Enforcement field has opened my eyes and made me realize all the types of people we have living in this world. Mr. Charles Wiley is a 90-year-old man who has experienced pretty much anything and everything life has to offer, and continues to live life to the fullest. He is not your ordinary 90-year-old, to me he seems like an extraordinary man because like he stated “Most men my age, have forgotten a lot of things they’ve gone through, but not me, I can tell you a lot”. I was very fortunate to attend some of his seminars, and learned a lot about him, especially the words of wisdom and advice he gave us. Charles Wiley is a 90-year old man who has reported from over 100 countries, he has traveled all around the world as a journalist and covered 11 different wars including the Vietnam War. He has experienced many different things such as …show more content…
Mr. Wiley didn’t become the great man he became just because. He started from the bottom and worked his way up. No matter where you come from, you should never be ashamed, if anything you should be proud of yourself, for breaking the cycle and not doing what others do. I have learned from Mr. Wiley that education is the key to life, as long as you strive to educate yourself and attempt to achieve more knowledge you will never fail in life. You can tell Mr. Wiley loves what he does, and enjoys helping and encouraging others to do something good with their lives. The fact that Mr. Wiley continues to travel around to share his words of wisdom is a selfless act and example of how this world should operate. Because by helping others we help ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally, and those are some of the most important components we need to

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