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Creative Story


Submitted By bwang
Words 1604
Pages 7
The Ill-fated Lottery
Derrick hated his job. He worked seven days a week in his tiny little cubicle, punching away at numbers. He never wanted to be an accountant, but this was the only thing he seemed to be good at. To cope with his miserable lifestyle, Derrick always found time to smoke some weed after work with his buddies from high school.
Of all his friends, Kevin was his best friend and let’s just say he was quite different from Derrick. Kevin’s parents died in a car accident when he was fifteen years old and they left him tens of millions of dollars. While Derrick lived in a tiny, cramped one-story apartment with his parents, Kevin lived in a giant million dollar crib by himself. Back in the day, Derrick had to bust his ass day in and day out to get good grades so he could hopefully become what his parents wanted him to be – a doctor, an accountant or maybe even a lawyer. Kevin wasn’t interested in any of that, he knew his parents had enough money for him for at least three generations so he was just chillin’. Derrick was often secretly jealous of how lucky Kevin was, but he mostly accepted the way things were and understood that certain things couldn’t be changed.
On the first day Kevin transferred over to Grauer Elementary, he’d sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria during lunch. Now Derrick’s parents never packed him lunch so when he saw Kevin’s chicken nuggets, his mouth literally started to drool. It wasn’t long before Derrick walked over and asked convincingly, “Hey, I don’t know your name, but if you can give me one of your chicken nuggets, you can be my best friend.” Kevin was relatively new at the school so he didn’t really think twice about it and took on the offer. From that moment on, they literally became best friends and pretty much hung out together all the way throughout elementary and high school.
Now, today was no different from any other day. Derrick finished his 9 to 5 and promptly called Kevin to meet up at the dyke. Derrick arrived first and Kevin arrived moments later in his sporty black BMW.
“Yo what’s up?” Derrick said as he got out of his car.
“Not much man, been playing FIFA all day. You got any weed?”
“Yeah for sure, it’s already rolled. You got a lighter?”
“Damn, I think I left it at home. Should we go to 7-11 to grab one?”
“Yeah I guess, you’re driving though. Let’s pick up a lottery ticket too, I heard it’s sixty million this week and the draw’s later tonight”.
“Sure, I’m down. Let’s go soon then, I can’t chill for that long”.
After they grabbed their lottery ticket and lighter, they went back to the dyke to spark up the joint.
“Yo, what would you do if you won sixty million?” Derrick asked.
“Haha, I’m already rich. But I’d definitely give at least half to a charity and probably get all my friends a brand new car”.
“Wow, I’d probably only give my parents a million each and keep the rest to myself. And then maybe I’d consider getting you a car but you already got like five of them at your house”.
Kevin didn’t say anything. He was actually quite shocked that Derrick would be this stingy even if he had sixty million. But he was like whatever and he quickly changed the topic.
“Yo I have to go now, my mom made dinner. I’ll give you a call maybe later”.
“Alright, peace” Derrick said as they pounded fists.
Derrick went home that day all excited and nervous, counting down to the 7 o’clock lottery draw. He had hyperhidrosis disorder, so whenever he was nervous, his palms would get really sweaty. He wiped his hands on his sweatpants and proceeded to microwave some Michelina’s and watch some Netflix so he could hopefully take his mind off the lottery. The thought of winning sixty million gave Derrick an overwhelming excitement that he could not contain. He could finally quit his boring accounting job he never liked. He would never feel jealous over all of Kevin’s cars, clothes or wealth. He could move out of that beaten down apartment he’s lived in with his parents for the past 20 years. This was his chance to turn his life around and get everything he’s ever wanted. But then he thought to himself, what am I thinking? I haven’t even won the lottery and plus I’ve always remembered my parents saying that the chances of winning the lottery are less than getting struck by lightning ten times. Derrick’s excitement was subsequently crushed as he snapped back to reality.
Derrick waited and waited, and when it was 7 o’clock, he made sure he didn’t waste any time as he checked the results on his laptop.
“1… 7… 11… 15… 18… 20… 22. Wow, not even one number.”
This is beyond ridiculous he thought, but at least he kind of saw it coming. Derrick’s phone began to ring and before he even had a chance to say anything, Kevin interrupted him and told him that he needed to see him right now. Kevin hung up and Derrick knew something was up.
“I wanted you to be the first one to know. Can you check these numbers and tell me if I’m just trippin’ out or if this is actually real”.
“Shut up, there’s no way. Let me see that”.
Derrick quickly scanned the lottery ticket and as he read out each number, his jaw grew longer and wider and he didn’t know whether to be jealous or happy for Kevin. He looked at Kevin in awe and they both started screaming with joy and excitement.
“Hold on, let me call my parents. I’ve got to tell them about this.”
“Wait a second, just relax and let it all sink in first. Let’s smoke a fat joint first,” Derrick said.
“Sure, it doesn’t even matter. I just won sixty million dollars, I actually can’t believe it”.
Deep inside, Derrick was so jealous. He tried to fake his excitement for Kevin but he had other plans in mind. There was no way he could watch Kevin pick up sixty million dollars when he was already rich as hell. He had to come up with something quick before Kevin told anyone else about the lottery. As he rolled up the joint, he remembered that Kevin always kept a bottle of bear mace in the trunk of his BMW for safety.
“Kevin, could you pop your car trunk? I remember now, I think I left my lighter in there”.
“Yeah, one sec. Let me get my keys”.
Derrick opened his trunk and pretended to be looking around for his lighter. When he found the mace, he took off the safety lock inside the trunk.
“Kevin, come here. I got to show you something, I think I found another lottery ticket”.
As Kevin walked towards the trunk, Derrick covered his face and unleashed the can of bear mace at Kevin. Kevin started to run around frantically, screaming “What the hell is wrong with you?” His eyes were blinded by the mace and his face was burning as if he’d just descended to the gates of hell. Derrick shoved him to the floor and as he looked Kevin coldheartedly in the eyes, he took out his pocket knife and stabbed him five times in the neck. Derrick didn’t give a shit. Sixty million dollars and the jealousy that was nestled deep inside himself was enough to take full control of his mind. With no remorse, Derrick stabbed him three more times right in the heart. He grabbed the lottery ticket from Kevin’s jean pockets, took his cellphone and threw his body into the river dyke.
It was weird, but Derrick was expecting a phone call or a visit from the police to maybe get some details and ask some questions. He already prepared what he was going to say but the cops never showed up. Derrick had just lost his best friend but he didn’t feel guilty at all. In order to get what you want, he felt like sacrifices had to be made sometimes.
A week later when he officially submitted his winning lottery ticket, he knew his life would change 180 degrees. Derrick bought brand new cars for two his close friends and most importantly, he bought his parents a brand new million dollar mansion. Derrick was living the life, spending thousands of dollars each night at the club and buying everything he’s ever wanted. But it wasn’t until a month later when things really started to get weird. It seemed like a domino effect had rippled through his peers and both of his close friends who received their brand new cars died tragically in two separate car accidents. Derrick started to feel eerie about this but he attributed their deaths to driving recklessly in their brand new sports cars. However, it was when his parents began to react strangely that he really started to lose his mind. They wouldn’t murmur a sound. Derrick would come home to find them sitting together facing the windowsill, silently in tears while reading his Grauer Elementary yearbook. The events thrust Derrick to the verge of insanity. The following morning, Derrick entered his parents’ room. He brought a chair and sat beside them, facing the windowsill. They sat together and mourned together. Their eyes never veered off the yearbook - for things they now knew.

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