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Submitted By 91nino
Words 2209
Pages 9
eBusiness Research Paper
The content regulation of the Internet has become the fore of public debate as an issue that both government and Net users are concerned about. Many companies have benefited from the use of e-Business in terms of revenue, capturing its marketing mix and driving shareholder value. However, governmental regulation can have a major effect on both the strategy and financial survival of e-Business. As technology continue to evolve at a rapid pace, governmental regulation struggles to keep up with its pace (McGraw-Hill). This paper will outline legal and regulatory issues with E-Business. Ethical issues such as invasion of privacy and deceptive advertising will be addressed. An e-Business failure and “Managing a Retail Website” simulation will be discussed that will include challenges that was faced and offering recommendations to overcome those challenges.
In the beginning of the Internet era, there was no kind of regulation in place. As the internet and e-Business started to expand rapidly, government struggled in determining how rules and regulations would a key role in online business practices. In our text, its states new technology and the lack of physical borders associated with the Internet are changing the way societies are looking at laws (McGraw-Hill). Because of hacking and cyber crime which continue to become more common and complicated, it is necessary to set standards in order for business to continue to thrive. There are several key regulatory issues that have impacted e-Business.
Privacy and Security
Just recently, the government has become more involved in internet privacy and security. Congress has responded to the public with concerned for privacy and security especially in the areas of children, banking, and healthcare ( With the HIPPA regulations, businesses must provide guidelines and notices that will protect

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