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Factors Affecting Women Shoppers’ Toward Online Shopping Attitude


Submitted By rusfazaira
Words 1982
Pages 8

Study On Factors Affecting Women Shoppers’ Online Shopping Attitude
Rusfazaira binti Ahmad Fadzil (2003105365)


TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | Page | CHAPTER 1 | INTRODUCTION | | | 1.1 Background of the Study | 1-2 | | 1.2 Problem statement | 3-4 | | 1.3 Objectives of The Research | 5 | | 1.4 Scope of Study | 6 | | 1.5 Limitations | 7 | | 1.6 Definition of Terms | 8 | | 1.10 Summary | 9 | | | | CHAPTER 2 | LITERATURE REVIEW | | | 2.1 Literature Review | 10 | | 2.1.1 Concept of financial leverage with bank profitability | 11-15 | | 2.1.2 Concept of liquidity with bank profitability | 16 | | 2.1.3 Concept of size with bank profitability | 17 | CHAPTER 3 | APPENDICES 3.1 Number Employed, Unemployed and Unemployed Rate (Female) 2000-2010. Statistics On Women, Family and Community 2011. Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. 3.2 Enrolment in Government-assisted Educational Institutions by Level of Education 2001-2010. Statistics On Women, Family and Community 2011. Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development 3.3 2013 Budget Presentation Speech by Malaysia Prime Minister. 3.4 The Household Use of Internet Survey,2005 by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commisions. | | | | |


1.1 Background of the Study
The usage of Internet has grown rapidly over the past years and it has become a common means for delivering and trading information, services and goods. Nowadays, internet is not only a networking media, but it is also used as a means of transaction for consumers at global market.
Women contribute the large number of Malaysia’s population. Major contribution of women to the nation always been recognized.

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