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Consumers Perception About Online Shopping in Indore


Submitted By vimr
Words 15765
Pages 64
Today is the Era of Globalization and the consumer is not bound within boundaries of a particular place to access products available in the outer world, now he can go beyond the boundaries of any market area where he lives, to access the things of his interest. But this virtual connectivity known as “ONLINE SHOPPING OR E-TAILING” is really a challenge for Indian customers to be associated with; they face some real time problems related to trust and quality. But the Indian shopping trend shows some rigid type of behavior towards online shopping. They do not trust this shopping style as they have to see and choose a product virtually and pay for it, without any kind of physical touch, which was really difficult to be done in Indian market, but in past 2-3 years the trends have changed at least in metros and big cities.
It has been observed that Indore is adapting the changes in shopping trends in metros very quickly, they love to shop from home and enjoy online shopping. So the process of analysis of factor affecting customer satisfaction levels was initiated, ACSI Model uses the three manifest variables: Customer’s Expectation, Perceived Values and Over-all Quality, which leads to satisfied customer. This will give us the clear insights of satisfied online shoppers across Indore.
Factors affecting online shopping behavior
Online shopping is a relatively new type of retail shopping. It has now been adopted all over the world including Thailand. In Thailand, electronic shopping is still not as well known or accepted as in many other countries, and though the knowledge of online shopping in Thailand is now beginning to increase rapidly, the factors influencing online shopping behavior of Thai consumers have not been investigated. There are several articles written on online shopping, which have studied the influencing factors, but these have not been

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