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Get Better Fluency in (Body) Language!


Submitted By yuki24
Words 710
Pages 3
Get better fluency in (body) language!
Nineteen years ago, a smooth-talking salesman walked into my office. My first impression of him was that he was probably an untrustworthy person.
In the time we spent together, we became better acquainted. I began to trust him more. He spoke eloquently and shared a business plan with me. Taken in by its promise of handsome rewards, I begged him to let me be a part of it. In less than an hour and a half, he had persuaded me to invest RM40,000.
I never saw my money again.
Sometimes we say: “I have a strange feeling about this person”, or “I sense something is not right”, or “I have this intuition about this”.
It is usually because we are picking up subtle but revealing body language and emotional signals from people that help us form an impression of them. Learning how to read body language will enable you to interpret these signals or accurately conclude what these mean.

Signs of deceit
Many common body gestures can tell you if a person is lying. For example, he avoids eye contact, rubs his nose or plays with keys or other items in his pocket. These are basic signs that suggest that a person may be lying.
However, a serial liar might be able to conceal such obvious signs through his experience and boldness.
A trained body-language practitioner will be able to skilfully pose questions and retrieve both verbal and non-verbal clues. If, for example, a person is suspected of stealing from the office cash box, he can be cleverly questioned so that he will exhibit the necessary reflectors.
Should he be guilty of stealing from the cash box, he is likely to be defensive, with a tendency to scramble for an alibi. If he is innocent, he tends to be offended, and may be aggressive when questioned.
Facial expressions
Facial expressions often reveal the true emotions of a person. A smile is often taken as a happy expression,

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