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Importance Of Art In Art

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well, there’s a sense that they’re a tangible piece of matter that happens to be an image… It’s an object as well.

Absolutely so.

But what I want to ask you, is why then invest so much in the imagery? Why not just explore these material concerns, these proceptual concerns through an image instead of just making abstract works, or making works that are more obviously about material process?

I’m still fascinated by the idea that if you want to get the audience to think about a, b and c, that sometimes you have to present them with x, y and z. You actually have to present them with the absence of something in order for the art to happen inside their head. I mean, I know this now, I know that I give them something to look at with their eyes, but I’ve always thought of what I do, these paintings of these objects… I’d be as comfortable with you now talking about them as objects, as I would be talking about them as paintings…

Take artists for instance who would have made something deliberately to look like a precious object as well as representing something, some scene…

If we take a look at the Northern Romantic heritage painter, if we’re talking about Joachim Patinir for instance… I’m devoted. If I go to the Metropolitan Museum like I did last Sunday it’s …show more content…
And it takes a great deal of courage, I would have thought, for somebody to choose to step into that world where all these things are possible, and they all look dissimilar… And yet there is such a huge homogeneity of so many art making practices. I think that painters are hugely guilty of that as well, with all the freedom that’s afforded to us as painters at the moment, why do we keep on repeating ourselves so

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