Premium Essay

Interpersonal Skills


Submitted By syazahaziqah
Words 614
Pages 3
The Importance of Having Interpersonal Skills

23 April 2016


The Importance of Having Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills refer to an employee’s ability to get along with others while getting the job done. It includes everything from communication and listening skills to attitude and deportment. In the workplace of the 21st century, as it is more competitive and a fast-paced working environment, employers are mostly looking for candidates with skills that go beyond qualifications and experience. Getting the right people with the right skills and qualities helps them to fulfil the role and contribute to the organisation’s success. Education alone is not enough to secure a job even for degree holder because employees are needed to make critical decisions, solve problems and have an aptitude for teamwork.

List of Interpersonal Skills

Verbal Communication
Clarity of speech is one of the main important factor. The tone and manner of speech provide clues to an individual’s mind which determines the character of the speaker. For example, when a person is calm and speaks fluently with positive accents, it shows that the speaker is confident and hence, able to attract the attention and convince the listener. Similarly, according to Myska (2014), “How employees interact with an employer’s customer or client base is key to a good reputation and repeat business” (p.6).

Non-Verbal Communication
It means being able to communicate through facial expressions and body languages. Non-verbal signals allow people to convey information about their emotional state. Facial expressions such as smiling, frowning and blinking and also body movements such as hand gestures, nodding or shaking the head, can have a great impact on the listener and the outcome of the communication. Having eye contact when having conversation is important as it shows respect,

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