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Methods and Approaches Most Frequently Preferred by the Language Teachers’ in Learners’ Grammar Achievement


Submitted By Leziah
Words 1048
Pages 5
Background of the Study Teaching is one of the complicated processes taking place in the schools and educational institutions. In traditional teaching model, one teacher is responsible for supervising all tasks of lessons over a specific time. The arrival of new strategies of teaching, issues of motivation, the satisfaction of students and academics’ needs and other factors contributing to successful teaching activities all are looking forward into the creative genius of a single teacher. The seemingly difficulty of addressing all these elements simultaneously by a single pedagogue appeals for a new alternative in the method of teaching.
As we observe in our classroom, teachers frequently use the different methods, strategies and approaches in teaching that are applicable to their students need. For example, if the students cannot achieve to fully express their intentions or comprehend the meanings of messages, an approach should be selected that helps the student to understand the language grammar. Conversely, if the students need extra motivation, an approach with frequent changes might be proffered. If a learner does not know how to use the language grammar, he will have to rely on lexis, gestures, intonation or other nonverbal features to express his or her meanings. Thus, in order for the communication to exist, people have to know language and its rules, which we call "grammar".
Grammar is fundamental to language, without grammar, language does not exist. All languages have grammar, and each language has its own grammar" (Beverly, 2007 as cited in Williams, 2007). People who speak the same language are able to communicate with each other because they all know the grammar system and structure of that language, that is, the meaningful rules of grammar (Beverly, 2007 as cited in Williams, 2007).
It has been defined and

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