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Nonhuman Animals In Animal Farm

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Animal Farm by George Orwell has an amazing way of transforming animals into human beings and giving the animals the characteristics given off by humans during times of crisis. The characteristics of each animals presented in the novel are representative of their personalities. Because of these characteristics, some animals have an untimely downfall and other are still leaders and reigning in their own glorious manner. The character in this novel are Napoleon the pig, Boxer and Clover the cart-horses, Benjamin the donkey, and the sheep and dogs who are loyal servant to Napoleon.
Animals behave like humans because they are around each other for longer periods of time. G. A. Bradshaw and Robert M. Sapolsky explain that “human beings and nonhuman animals share a common ancestry,” (487) resulting in a common behavior.
Napoleon is the head pig. He is strong, but rather bull-headed, along with being independent, as well as corrupt. He was just a pig on Manor Farm until he took over and changed the name to Animal Farm. He was running for the title of leader alongside another pig called Snowball. Little did any of the other animals know, Napoleon was very corrupt from the start, he made up rumors about Snowball leading everyone to believe that he was not a good match to …show more content…
He pulls plows around the fields. He is very strong, very hardworking, a major follow-the-leader type but is very naive as well as ignorant. Boxer’s action lead him to his demise by trusting Napoleon and Squealer. When he gets hurt at the very end, he believes that he is going to a good place to be patched up and sent back to the farm. Little did he know that Squealer was shipping him off to his death. Boxer is blind when it comes to Napoleon and how he runs the farm. If something bad happens, like the windmill situations, Boxer is ready to go and fix up the windmills faster and better than ever. Boxer had mantras that he said constantly to persuade the other animals to work

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