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Not Alone


Submitted By metterazz
Words 1122
Pages 5
Not alone
Lucy and Emily have always been very close and each other’s best friends. That is quite typical of twins. Either they cannot live without each other or they can be as different as night and day. Lucy and Emily have always been the first. Even at the age of 24 they still lived together. They have rented a small roof apartment in an old post office from an old lady who had to move to a mental hospital after living alone for to long.
It was the only tall building in the town so they had a great view over the sea.
Tonight was like every other night. They made dinner, mainly pasta, and ate it in front of the TV and sat there until they fell asleep. They did not have a lot of friends nor family.
An hour after midnight, Emily woke up feeling a little sick. Emily could not fall asleep again and looked at the alarm clock. It was 8 Am but still pitch-dark outside. Maybe it was solstice? She decided not to think further about it and instead she made breakfast. While she was cooking the eggs she listened to the increasing storm outside. It had started raining a lot now. Emily did not like to be alone when it was stormy, so she woke up Lucy. They ate the breakfast while watching TV. Suddenly the lights went out and the TV went flicking in black and white. The twins stopped chewing and looked at each other with big eyes. Quickly Lucy found some candlelight and lighted them up. They took a look at the clock again. It was 9.30 Am. How could it possibly still be dark outside? Emily had always been bad handling these types of situations and she quick got into a panic. Therefore it was Lucy who had to go down to the cellar and check on the electricity. Because of the sea close to the village, the cellar was always a bit over flooded when it was storming. Emily found a flashlight and some rubber boots for Lucy. Lucy was only a few minutes older than Emily, but had always

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