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Optimizing Performance of Cloud by Load Balancing


Submitted By tejuvini
Words 789
Pages 4
(Research Proposal)

Literature Review
Recent days, cloud computing is an improving area in research and industry, which includes virtualization, distributed computing, internet, and web services. A cloud contains elements such as data centers, clients, distributed servers, internet which includes fault tolerance, high accessibility, efficiency, scalability, flexibility, reduced overhead for users, less cost of ownership, on demand services and etc. The main objectives of cloud are to reduce cost, enhance response time, and provide better performance.
There are three types of cloud computing based on the service they provide.
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a service contains the basic building blocks for cloud and typically provide access to networking features, computers and data storage space.
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Platforms as a service provides the feature to manage the infrastructure and allow to focus on the deployment and management of applications.
3. Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software as a service provides with a completed product that is run and managed by the service provider.
Cloud has many benefits all along with some fundamental problems to be resolved in order to improve Performance of cloud environment. These problems are associated with load management, tolerance and different security issues in cloud environment.
Load balancing
Load balancing is an important part of cloud computing environment which ensures that all devices or processors perform same amount of work in equal amount of time. The load on the cloud is increasing tremendously with the development of new applications. Different models and algorithms for load balancing in cloud computing has been developed with the aim to make cloud resources accessible to the end users with ease and

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