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Patho Case Study 1


Submitted By dahliarose1
Words 288
Pages 2
K.H. has been exposed to many risk factors associated with hypertension. Given the fact that he is of older age, K.H. is more at risk because the
1risk of high blood pressure increases as you age. High blood pressure is more common in males at his
2age. High blood pressure is particularly common among African-Americans, so the fact that K.H. is African American poses a higher risk. His heart rate is normal and the description does not indicate family history of hypertension, but it is noted that K.H is 30 pounds over his ideal weight. Persons who are overweight have a higher risk of developing hypertension. Due to the fact that K.H. has been placed on a salt restricted diet, it is safe to assume that he was consuming high amounts of sodium in his diet prior, which is a primary risk factor of hypertension. K.H.âs has a systolic pressure is 135 and the diastolic pressure is 96. This is stage 1 hypertension. The rationale for treating the patient with an ACE inhibitor is that Angiotensin II needs to be controlled because that is what ultimately is narrowing the blood vessels and causing the blood pressure to increase. An ACE inhibitor slows the production of Angiotensin II. The mechanism of action includes the modification of the production of Angiotensin II. This is a vasoconstrictor. Vasoconstriction is what leads to the elevation of B/P. Angiotensin II is made from angiotensin I through the means of the angiotensin converting enzyme. ACE inhibitors impede the activity of the enzyme ACE and this leads to the decrease in production of angiotensin II. Consequently, you have vasodilation and blood pressure is

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