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Project Report


Submitted By sandipdankhara
Words 10028
Pages 41
Effectiveness of Marine Logistics
Submitted to

Gujarat Technological University

Faculty Guide: Company Guide:
Ms. Parinaz Todiwala Mr.Pravin Dixit
Assistant Professor MD (Kshitij Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.)

Submitted by
Ms. Harshita Kakar [Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592001]
Ms. Nupur Mishra[Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592005 ]

Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University
December, 2012

Company Certificate (For Sem. 3) (On Company Letterhead)

This is certified that Ms. Harshita Kakar and Ms. Nupur Mishra from S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, are carrying out the research on the subject titled “ ” at this company / organisation under the supervision of Mr. Pravin Dixit, from Sep, 2012 to Dec, 2012. I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactorily.

Place: - Surat

Date: - _________ ( to be announced later on) ________________ (Name & Designation)

Students’ Declaration

We, Ms. Harshita Kakar & Ms. Nupur Mishra, hereby declare that the report for Comprehensive Project entitled “Effectiveness of Marine Logistics” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Place: Surat


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