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Research Paper On Harlem Renaissance

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Kenya Coleman Coleman 1
English Comp 101
August 11, 2016

Homework Number One: Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a literary, artistic and intellectual movement that took place during the time of frame of early 1900s to the mid 1930s, 1917-1935 to be exact. The Renaissance was given it's name because of the cultural, social and artistic explosion that happened during World War I. It was also during The Great Migration which was when African Americans relocated North which was the initial …show more content…
DuBois was also apart of this historic movement. He grew up in Massachusetts. He was trained as a sociologist and he also wrote “The Souls Of Black Folk”. Countee Coullen was a poet who was born March 30th, 1903 and wrote “The Book of American Negro Poetry. Zora Neale Hurston, who was born January 7th, 1891, published “ Their Eyes Were Watching God.”. Walter White, born July 1st, 1893, investigated lynchings and worked to end segregation. He is not an African American. James Weldon Johnson was also apart of this movement. He was a well known novelist and a poet. Arna Bontemps, born October 13th,1902, was an American novelist, librarian, and a poet. Jean Toomer, born December 26th,1894, was also an African American novelist and a poet.

Coleman 2

There are so many others that was a part of this new birth, but these were just some of the keynote players. This movement impacted the lives of so many. Not only the lives, but our music, english, and

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