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Student Portal Questionnaire

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This section will focus on research design, population, pre-test, data collection methods and instruments, data analysis method, study period, participate in the study, ethical considerations and resources required for the study. For this study, resaercher choose quantitative methods for research design. A set questionnaire will be distributed to the users of I-Learn Student Portal in UiTM Puncak Perdana, it will specific to the final students (Part 6) of Faculty Information Management. The questionnaire covers only the basic infromation of the respondents and questions related to the effectiveness on using I-Learn Student Portal.

3.2 Research Design
The research design that been choose for this study are quantitative method. …show more content…
The study will be conducting at Faculty of Information Management in UiTM Puncak Perdana. The study will be focusing on the relationship of using I-Learn Student Portal and effectiveness of using I-Learn Student Portal and to determine the reason students choose I-Learn Student Portal as their educational tools. The questionnaire is ditributed by researche with help a few of her friends and will gave a brief explanation about this study. The time period for distributing the questionnaire within 4 …show more content…
The advantages of used this approach are researher can approach or personal contact with the respondents, that way researcher can explain details about the research study such us the purpose, relevance and imporant of the study and assits the respondents, if they do not understand at any questions.
3.5.2 Content of The Questionnaire
The questionnaire have 5 section with the total of 20 questions including demographic section and open ended question. Each section contains of 5 questions.
i. Section A: Demographic of respondent.
This section consist of profile and demographic of respondents such us gender, age, their educational level and their courses. ii. Section B: Objective I – To find o find out the effect of using the I-Learn Class Portal on academic student achivement to the final year students. iii. Section C: Objective II - To investigate the contribution of I-Learn Class Portal to the final year students. iv. Section D: Objective III - To identify the reason on using I-Learn Class Portal as their educational tools.
v. Section E: Open ended

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